Saturday 29 December 2007

Renovation flurry!

Today was the big day in the basement. I rented the jack-hammer, we got everything out of the way, and the first piece of cement was chipped out.

We had covered everything in the basement, and closed off the upstairs. Good thing we did. There was so much dust that when I blew my nose it came out grey-black. Yuck

After an afternoon of trading off on the hammer, and carting cement out of the basement, we were down to the dirt. Rob, one of my room-mates, plumbed in the sewer pipes. He roughed in the pipes for a shower, sink and toilet. All in all, the whole process took us about 8 hours. We still have to fill in the trench, and pour the cement back on top.

After that, it's over to the office to move the water meter against the wall, and then putting up the frame for the walls. I'm contemplating getting a contractor to come in and do the walls, electrical, and gyp rock. Rob and I will finish the plumbing.

It's starting to look more like a new bathroom, and less like a good intention!

Thursday 20 December 2007

Work, work, work...

I have had a wonderful few days!

First, I pretty much completed my Christmas shopping, with only a few bruises. Those pads I invested in last year really paid off vs. the old ladies out there...

Second, My renovations are looking to be a lot easier than I had thought. We got a scope down the sewer line, and found it is easily accessible behind the furnace, rather than having to chop out a 20 foot section of the floor! Phew.

Thirdly, I found out today that I won a job bid at work for a permanent position. YAY! Not only that, but I'll be getting full time hours next month for 3 weeks for training. I'll be able to set aside enough money to get a new roof in the spring, and maybe be able to eat for a few more weeks!

This boost has definitely given me some of the Christmas spirit. Now, let's see if I can't stamp it out by trying to wrap all these gifts....

Saturday 15 December 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!

It's that time of year again. Dad's birthday falls just the week before Christmas. I'm never sure what to get him. I have an idea this year, but I still have to go and get it.

Unlike my Father, I procrastinate a lot. Dad has always been about getting it done. And as we were discussing the other day while removing the wall in my basement, "If you're going to do it, do it right." On of Dad's pet peeves are people who cut corners and do things half-assed (specially in construction). Nothing ruins a project more than ripping out the crap that some idiot put in there because he was too lazy or cheap to do it correct.

Just as a side note, the walls are almost all down. We had to stop because of two things: a power outage, and lack of room to work. With four people living in the house, and all of our "stuff" (junk) being stored in the basement, we have to work around it all. So when the available work area fills with removed wall pieces and such, we have to take it out to the landfill.

Anyways, Dad's turning 67 today. I'm off to get his birthday gift, and then...perhaps I'll wait a bit to work on the basement.

Sunday 9 December 2007

Pack-rat... Begone!

It's amazing how much junk a person accumulates over time. Part of the basement renovation involves clearing out a storage closet. The closet it quite large, basically the same square footage as a small bedroom. We decided, yesterday, to sort through it all. I had it in my head that it would only take about an hour... my mistake.

We ended up throwing out 90% of the stuff that was in there. It was an entire half-ton truck full of junk that went out to the landfill. Five years in this house, and in ONE storage closet there was a half-ton truck full.

Crazy. From now on, when someone says, "Do you want this?" I'm going to think carefully before accepting. Either I need/can use it right now, or can sell it on Ebay!

The next stage is to remove the shelves, demolition the wall, and carefully remove the wall around the furnace and hot water heater. I'm guessing next weekend will be the day to layout the chalk lines for the jackhammering.

Saturday 1 December 2007


Christmas is coming.

Christmas is coming?

Christmas is coming!

This weekend, I've started to clear out the junk in the storage room, in preparation of converting it to a proper office. One of the things (not junk) that I pulled out was the Christmas tree, and decorations. I believe I will take a short time out from the destruction of my basement to put up the tree and various Christmas stuff.

I generally don't get too excited about Christmas anymore. Over the past few years, I haven't had a lot of "Christmas Spirit", even on the day itself. I guess I've got a bit of Scrooge in me or something. It just doesn't fire me up like it used to. I really enjoy the family and atmosphere, but no excitement.

Winter has finally made itself known, and has set in to stay. I like winter. I like summer. Each has things about it that I enjoy. The thing I do not enjoy is the cold temperatures. The past week has been hovering around -25C with wind chills reaching -33C (that's -28F). Brr. Don't let the picture fool you. We haven't had much snow yet. Just a sprinkle so far.

Sunday 25 November 2007

Late Night Shifts...

Yay! The Saskatchewan Roughriders just won the Grey Cup. What a game. I was lucky enough to accept a shift at work today (4:30pm to Midnight), so I got to watch it on the HD tv in the corner of the call centre. It seems that most people were watching the game, as I only got three calls during the entire football game. Then, as they arrived at home and realized the phone wasn't working.. I got lots of calls.

This job is interesting. I speak to all kinds of people. Very few of them are yelling at me, and once the call is over, I can pretty much dismiss it from my mind.

As it's pretty dead in here at the moment, I've decided to update the blog with what's been happening in my life lately.

I have one hour left in my shift tonight, and I'm not quite struggling to stay awake, so if this blog seems to wander, that's why.

Basically, I've started to renovate my basement. With three others and myself living in the house (it is a 4 bedroom) the single bathroom is in high demand. I've always had plans on adding a second one in the basement, but hadn't gotten around to it. Now I am. Along with the bathroom, I'm going to convert a cold storage room to a small office. I can move the computer that are upstairs down there and have all of them together again.

The first roadblock we're got to hurdle is the plumbing. Sewers need to go BELOW the cement floor. That means... JACKHAMMER! That's going to be a loud and messy job. But once it's done, the rest should be easy. Keep your fingers crossed.

I've already bought a shower stall, sink with taps and cabinet, toilet, and various other necessities (like a ventilation fan). So far so good. I'll let you know how the jackhammering goes when were done.

With Christmas coming up, my Mother has asked me what I want. Every year I can't think of anything. I know, sounds stupid, but my mind just goes blank. Same thing on my birthday. Go figure.

I want to throw a Christmas party for my friends, but things seem to be working against me. Everyone isn't available for the same weekend, I have to work, they have to work, or I'm broke. Maybe I'll just forget about it for now.

Speaking of working on holidays, I have to work New Year's Eve. This doesn't bother me in the least, as for the past five years I have pretty much been in bed by 10:00pm on New Year's anyways. I guess about the only holiday I wouldn't want to work is Christmas.

In the relationship department, I'm still single. No dates recently, but with the new job and getting used to shift work again, I'm finding it difficult to schedule anything more than email chatting. Things will settle in after the holidays, and I hope to be out and about a bit more.

Sunday 18 November 2007

Movie Review: Beowulf

I was really looking forward to this movie. An all CGI movie, like Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, but with a more mythological storyline. Wow.

The movie started out without a hook. It wandered into a bit of an action scene. Then it got intensely BORING. I was bored. If I had rented it and was watching it at home, I would have turned it off. I dragged on for more than another hour, inflicting an urge to fall asleep.

The CGI was intense. At time I couldn't tell it wasn't actually filmed. Other times it was pitifully apparent.

Don't bother going. If you must, rent.

Sunday 11 November 2007

Remembrance Day

As today is November 11, 2007, I feel I must say a few words about what it means to me. I have never been in the military, and the only conflict I have seen is the odd argument with other people. Ninety-nine percent of them ended without violence (the odd one was escalated, but generally, not by me). I have however, known people who served in World War II, and various other conflicts including Bosnia, Golan Heights, and Cypress. I also know many people who currently serve in the armed forces of Canada

I respect each and every one of these people. They chose to place they're lives and bodies in the path of danger to ensure I can sit here, in my house, and place whatever I want in a blog. I encourage these people to tell me of their experiences, so that I can understand and express a true thanks for the sacrifices they made to guarantee my life as it is.

Allow me a bit of your time. A man named John Z. (my great uncle) served with the Regina Rifles in the second World War. John was in the first wave up Juno Beach. He was one of the lucky ones to make it to the shingle with his officer. He looked back, with bullets whining overhead, at people who had become his close friends through training. He saw many of his friends for the last time that day, because they didn't make it to the shingle with him.

He was a communications operator, or as is more modernly known, intelligence. His job was to assess, compile, and disperse to the various people he answered to, all of the information that was brought into his unit. He did his job meticulously with pride and care, because he knew that a single mistake could well cost not only his life, but also the men who depended on his information.

Through his war time experiences, he had many adventures. As he used to say, "I liberated a lot of congac in France!" Even to his final days, he enjoyed congac immensly. When he returned to Canada, John would remember his friends who did not return, and the ones who did. He remembered the people who died beside him, and the ones who died fighting him. When I was very young, Uncle John explained what Remembrance Day meant to him. Why he would always say the same toast, and drink a glass of congac in silence, tears running down his face.

John's gone now. He left us almost 9 years ago. To this day, on November 11, I remember the words he told me, and the feeling he showed. I think of my friends who put their lives on the line, and the people past who lost theirs. Ever year, on Remembrance Day, I have a drink, I raise my glass, and I say John's Toast to the Soldier:

"To all the friends who fought, to all the people who died. To all the soldiers who gave their lives so that we can live and remember."

To you, Uncle John.

Saturday 27 October 2007


The new job is interesting, to say the least. I'm currently swimming in tons of information and procedure I need to learn for the test at the end of the training. Apparently, we have to score at least 70% to pass and continue in the job. From what the instructors tell us, they will mostly be multiple choice and a couple short answer questions.

I've never done well with testing. Maybe it's my "don't get along well with authority" streak, or the fact that when I was in University my Professors were completely lacking in teaching skills. I still hate the thought of going back to school simply because of two profs I had. Morons.

Anyways, things seem to be ok, though I am feeling very overwhelmed by the course material.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Ah ha!

Ok.. now that I have some time on my hands, I can update the blog...

I now have a job. I will be working for SaskTel (the local telephone company) as a help line call attendant. I start in a week or so. Now I just have to fill the days with something until then.

I had a job temporarily previous to this. It was for a company in Regina called IRC. They are vocational rehabilitation consultants. Basically, these are the people who coordinate the doctors, physiotherapists, employers, occupational therapists and anything else that you need during a recovery period due to injury or illness. Very demanding work, but not really what I want to do.

One of the interesting things about the job was the fact I was the only man in the office. It was entertaining to say the least... In the two weeks I was there I heard and saw things that will stay with me for years.

One of the ladies is expecting, and I learned all about maternity clothes and how they fit. I happened to walk in on the boss showing the expectant mother how to tie your jeans with an elastic band on the button so you can wear them for longer than normal. And to top it all off, one day I was involved in a discussion regarding breasts and size, etc. The old adage of women having more explicit discussions than men is TRUE.

All of the conversations and things that happened stopped as soon as they realized I was there. It seems that after working in an office of all women for about a year, they would forget that I was there sometimes.

Let's move on...

Thanksgiving in Canada was Monday past. We had a wonderful Turkey supper at my parents place. I love turkey. I could eat it EVERY day. Yum.

Other than that, things are going well. Nothing to report on the relationship side of the my life. Still lonely and single. Perhaps once Christmas is past I will start looking again.

Keep looking back for more updates! I promise I won't wait as long as the last time. With hunting and the job, I was running constantly.

Movie Review

Resident Evil: Extinction

Terrible. That's all I have to say about this one. I spent my money, sat in the theater and was sorry after about the first five seconds I had done so. Man, what a stinker. About the only good part in the whole thing was Milla Jovovich. They try to be a "jump out and scare you" type of thriller, but fail at that. The plot was transparent, and hokey. Glaring holes in the continuity from movie to movie failing to, at best, even come close to Resident Evil canon. I can only hope they stop at that one. Otherwise we'll have to start calling it the Nightmare on Elm Street, or Jason series heir.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Where the heck have YOU been!?

Just a short post to let you know I haven't abandoned my blog. I've been very busy.. Started a new job, then ended it... going to another job shortly. And let me tell you... I have a good couple posts. Let's just say that working in an all female (except for me) office is...informative.

I'll hammer out a proper post in the next day or so...

Sunday 2 September 2007

What the...?

What a busy couple weeks. I've been all over the province following job leads. It's been a bit tiring, but I think I may have gotten a new job. Maybe.

This is good. I'm starting to run low on money (Yikes!) and I have a hunting trip planned in two weeks. It's going to be hard to go if I only have two nickels to rub together. Come hell or high water, I will enjoy the trip. And maybe bring back some Elk for the freezer.

I live on the prairies. In the late summer and fall, the farmers are all busy combining and working on their crops. This pumps vast amounts of dist and crap into the air. I also have some pretty bad hay fever problems.

Once they start, no amount of allergy medicine or other crap can relive the itchy, blurry eyes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing. I'm pretty much miserable for a month every year. Regardless of the allergies, I still like living here.

I may have some more news to post in the next few days... gonna play my cards close to my chest for now.

Friday 24 August 2007

Job Front

Nothing really of note aside from a couple of tentative offers, and some consulting. I'm hoping to get a really good interview next week and be back in the "Got a job" club.

I'm starting to feel comfortable not going to work at all, and that's not a good. thing. I need to have something to give structure to my life, as I suck terribly at doing it on my own.

If I do get the job I'm interviewing for, then I may be traveling more. One of the things I need to get is a new digital camera. My old one got dropped, and stopped working for some strange reason.. (go figure). So...I've added a Shop to the side bar. Click on the CafePress button on the side to visit the shop. I'll be adding more and changing the shirts as I get more stuff. All proceeds will go towards a decent camera. By decent, I mean something around the 3 - 4 mega pixel range. Seeing as I'm an indifferent photographer at best, that's all I need

Movie Review: Stardust

Went and saw this on the past weekend. I forgot to post about it then, so here's goes..

All in all an excellent movie. Definitely a family movie. No cursing, and mild violence. Lots of high adventure. Michelle Pf
eiffer and Robert De Niro are only two of the actors in this film that produce stellar performances. Either go see it or rent it when it comes out. I'm probably going to buy it. 4.5 out of 5 stars!

Monday 13 August 2007

YouTube.. or should I say BoobTube?

I've been surfing through YouTube the past week and have yet to find anything that is good.

Of the people who are posting themselves singing, most sound like they need to go and get some more singing lessons. Truly. I am able to tell when someone is half or quarter note off of a pitch, and it can be really painful. Needless to say, I avoid Karaoke like the plague.

Most of the How-To videos are either so far advanced, and too short to be of use, or so incredibly simple, that the three week old yogurt in my fridge could be able to figure out how to do it. And people.. wear proper clothes when you make the videos. Some guy, not wearing a shirt, explaining to me how to do something that I'm sure he thought up in a pipe dream is not a paragon of knowledge.

Oh yeah.. LOOK AT THE DAMN CAMERA! You can check out how you look AFTER you're done recording. It's a known fact that people who are unable to make eye contact are labeled by the sub-conscious as untrustworthy, or subversive.

All of that aside.. content is sorely lacking. Most of the stuff on YouTube is someone whining, preaching, or boasting. I'm sure there are some nuggets of good in there, but I'm sick of sifting through all the dross.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Top 100 rules to being an Evil Overlord.

I have to applaud Peter Anspach... He's thought out the rules to being the most successful evil overlord yet.

Check out the How to be a Successful Evil Overlord site...

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Facecbook.. The new crack of the internet.

Well, I went ahead and did it. I set up a Facebook web page. I've placed it in my favorite links along the sidebar also, so when this post scrolls away into archive heaven, you can still find it.

I've locked a lot of the content in the face book page so that only friends can see it. If you send me an invite, make sure to explain who you are and why you want to add me to your friend's list. I'm kind of particular about who has my contact information. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't want some 300lb guy banging on my door with a tube of KY and an invitation to "feel the love".

I'll have to say it's a cool website. I've found a few friends I had lost contact with. Maybe I'll be able to keep track of them now.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Warranty? Not really..

Once again, Big Business has shown me that they really don't care about the customers they "serve". A friend of mine had purchased a computer package from Future Shop in nearby Regina. They got the extended warranty package, simply because it was a good choice.

Recently (about two months ago) they had a problem with their LCD monitor, so they took it in to be serviced. The store had to send it back to the manufacturer. Here's the first problem. No loaner or anything in the mean time. TWO MONTHS! Terrible.

A few days ago, they contacted my friends and told them they can't fix the monitor and they would be getting a new one. We went to Regina to pick it up. Once in the store, we were told that in order to continue with the store's "warranty" package, my friends would have to pay for another 4 or 5 years on the monitor. Otherwise, it was "considered satisfied". Pardon? A five year "warranty" is satisfied after an monitor is exchanged due to poor construction? What kind of warranty is this?

Apparently, this is how it works. If you exchange a part for a new one due to whatever reason, they cancel the rest of the "warranty" unless you pay again. As I saw it, they either don't trust their products enough the back them with a standard warranty agreement, or they don't want to deal with you unless you shell out more money. Probably both.

The manager came out to "dumb it down" for us enough to understand. As if it wasn't insulting enough already. The last thing I said to the guy as we left the store (new monitor in hand) was, "This isn't a warranty... it's an exchange guarantee. As far as I'm concerned, you're guilty of false advertising."

All I can say is, if they try to sell you an extended warranty, check closely. Get them to write it out and have the manager sign it. Keep the person's business card, and never allow them to have the originals. Only provide them with copies. I, for one, and all of my friends, will not be shopping at Future Shop anymore.

Monday 30 July 2007

Job Search

I've been busy looking for work the last few days. When you're at work, you look forward to holidays and long weekends. When you don't have a job, your days tend to drag.. a lot. If I had some money, then I could do some things like paint the house, or renovate.

I hadn't thought that losing my job would bother me too much. I wasn't happy there, and was trying to find a way out for the last few months. Seems my sub-conscious won't let it go. I keep having dreams that I'm back there. Last night's was almost a lucid dream, as I knew it wasn't real. I guess I'm still trying to come to grips with being unemployed. Any suggestions to help with the dreams are welcome. Waking up tired is not my idea of a good night's rest.

I've been thinking about trying to write something. Short stories to start with, and work my way up to something longer. If I can get going, I'll need someone to proof it, and comment on the writing. I can always use constructive criticism.

Now.. just to flesh out some of those ideas I've had.

Friday 27 July 2007

Postage due!

I truly feel the cost of sending something through the post office is overly expensive. Let me relate a story to you.

Two weeks ago I sent a money order from where I live to an address in the States. I asked the person behind the counter which way should I send it to ensure it arrives in the next 5-7 days? They assured me that the Xpresspost Intl would be perfect.

Two weeks later, the money order has JUST arrived. The person I was sending it to was, to say the least, a little upset at the tardiness of the long waiting time. So was I.

When I put in a lost package claim a few days ago, I got back an email that it would take UP TO 15 DAYS to reply back to me. Yeah, that's a shining example of the service you can expect from a government postal operation.

Next time, I'm going to send it by UPS or FedEx. At least that way I know it will get there within a reasonable amount of time.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

It's so hot my sweat glands have threatened a strike!

Bleah. It's been so hot the past two weeks. Today and yesterday we topped out at 50C (that's about 120F) with the humidity. Luckily, I have central AC, so the house is kept comfortable.

My grass is dying, and my power bill is going to be outrageous, but I'm comfortable. That's all that matters.

Other than that, nothing new to report.

Friday 20 July 2007

A new beginning....?

I've been getting phone calls from a bunch of people at my old work place telling me how they don't understand why I was laid off. It's been a great rise to my spirits. Nice to know you were appreciated, even if it is after the fact.

On another positive note, I had a phone call from an associate in a nearby city. She called to give me some support, and extended a tentative offer for some consulting work. Very tentative right now, but could turn into a couple months of work. I'm not sure if I will pursue it or not just now. I'm more concerned with working through the feeling "at loose ends". I was at that last job for almost 9 years. It's hard to just let go.

Now's a good time to get the sleep I've been missing, yard work I've left, and work around the house I've procrastinated on done. Today is home office clean up. Out with the old!

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Wow. Almost the best movie so far. It can't rival the first of the Harry Potter series, but definitely an awesome show.

Effects are believable, not too flashy, and I think the set designers got the Ministry down pat. At least it's what I imagined it like.

Family movie, could be a little scary for little kids, but otherwise, a great flick. Go and see it in the theaters. Well worth the money.

And.. BLAM! Unemployed!

Hmm.. Not that this was a surprise, but I was released yesterday due to restructuring.

This kind of sucks. I got a pay-out, and it's not like I was fired. The reality hasn't quite sunk in yet. What makes me wonder is how they will find someone to do the job now that I'm gone? I realize no one is irreplaceable, but the way that place ran, they'll definately have to hire someone to replace me.

Oh well.. I'm off to the labour board to see about squeezing some more money out of them!

Friday 13 July 2007

Illness, Bane of our existence


I'm sick. I seem to have gotten an intestinal infection from somewhere... probably work.

I won't go into the details, but needless to say, stomach cramps and nausea are not my ideal way of spending the last three days.

On the plus side, it's once again the weekend, and I WILL enjoy it, regardless of my abdominal crisis.

Oh yeah... I plan on going to see the new Harry Potter movie once all the screaming fanboys and girls are done with their freakish costuming and such. I go to a movie to enjoy it, not pretend I'm living someone else's life. That's reserved for when I'm at work.

Monday 9 July 2007

Summer Marches on... UPDATE!

I knew it was bound to happen. I defy the universe to do something crappy... and it was nice enough to satisfy me.

I had to turn the power off to the back bedrooms of my house so I could safely install a cieling fan in my bedroom. When I powered up the office, which by the way contains all of my computers and stuff, the large network storage drive wouldn't start.

It was making very scary grinding noises, and the busy light wouldn't stop flashing. I powered it down, ,and scratched my head a bit, then turned it back on. Nothing. Not even a sickly red light indicating a failure of some kind.

The cooling fan had seized, then the controller board failed. Sooo... realizing it was a total loss, I removed it from the network, and scavenged the hard drive from the case. Now I'm down 120 Gb of storage, and all of that material isn't accessible.

All in all.. not life altering, just annoying.

On the brighter side of things, I'm reasonably sure the hard drive its self is still good. I guess I'll find out when I hook it up again...

Saturday 7 July 2007

Movie Review: Transformers

All in all, not bad.

I was fully expecting to be surprised by the computer graphics transformers. They were excellent. The camera angles for the action scenes sucked. Too close, and hard to follow. I found it best to just let my eyes lose focus and wait for the end of the scene to find out what happened.

Story line was good, but don't worry about going to the washroom in the dialog scenes, you won't miss anything important. My suggestion is to not waste money at the theatre right now, but wait for it come out in DVD.

Friday 29 June 2007


I came to a conclusion a long time ago... Mankind is intrinsically warlike. We walk, talk and breathe conflict. People who say we can be a peaceful species are deluding themselves.

Let me point out my reasoning:
  • All blockbuster movies are about conflict: Pearl Harbor, Saving Private Ryan, The Great Escape... even Titanic!
  • Computer games that have been the most popular are the war simulators, such as Warcraft, Diablo, Company of Heroes, and Microsoft Combat flight simulator.
  • There has never once in recorded history been a point where there is no conflict (said combat) occurring somewhere on the globe. Usually it is happening in multiple areas at once.
  • "Conflict Negotiators" for unions, marriages, police, and all the other areas are in high demand. Why? Because there is a ton off conflict all around us!
  • Look at our sports! Soccer, football, hockey, basketball. What are they but the formalized rule governed battle? And don't get me started on professional wrestling. It's directly descended from the gladiatorial games!
  • In the workplace, people circle like sharks, and when there's a bit of blood in the water (AKA a fellow worker who is somehow in trouble) they all turn on him or her, and kick them while they're down. You can respect a person even when you're sticking the knife in their back.
  • What's the first thing a person does when we see a friend slip or fall? Laugh. Violence and pain is programmed in us as funny.
I haven't seen a single thing in my life yet that disproves my observation. Base instincts in humanity tend along the violent solutions. Accept it, control it, use it.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Summer marches on...

Summer is here. It has been for a while. I like summer, mostly for all the activities you can do in the yard and outside. At work it causes me headaches, mostly having to deal with people whining about how hot it is in the plant. I'd have to say summer is my favorite season.

Life decided to throw a wrench into the works for me again. Last week, I got out the lawnmower (which has been working fine) and tried to start it. I must of pulled on that damn thing for twenty minutes before getting frustrated and giving up. When I put it away the week before, ,it was working fine. Now, for some unknown reason, it's no better than a piece of junk.

I've had it. BRING IT ON! I spit in the eye of misfortune!

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Life slogs on...

Well, blog entries are not coming as fast as I originally made them. This is mostly because I haven't got a lot to say. Normal life, normal guy, nothing special.

There was recently a $40 million dollar lottery winner in Ontario. They had won the lottery a few years ago, and won again. When they were asked what they were going to do with the money, they replied, "Put it in the bank with the rest."

Someone.. please tell me they have had the winnings taken away. Lotteries are the average and poor person's dreams and hope. I know I will NEVER be rich. I'll scrimp and save, and scrape through life with a few luxuries, and be happy for them. But, there's always the chance I could win a lottery and be able to taste what it's like to be rich.

Rich people don't get the same life experience the rest of us do. It's certainly easy to be a philanthropist if you never have to worry about where the next month's car payment, or grocery money is coming from. What happened in Ontario is insulting to the rest of the people who had tickets. If you win, and it's not a big deal, say nothing. If you get a sick pleasure out of sticking in a knife and twisting it about... then I hope you get incurable fleas. In your crotch. Don't dull the stars we have in our eyes. Hope is sometimes all that keeps the average person going.

Okay.. Now that the soapbox is put away, I'm going to go and make lunch for work tomorrow, have a glass of milk, and read a book before I go to bed to take my mind off of the totally normal and unremarkable existence I lead.

Friday 15 June 2007

Raw talent is hard to find...

Paul Potts, a British man living in the U.K. was recently on Britain's Got Talent. He is amazing. All I have to say is this guy will be a star, regardless of whether he wins the competition or not. I've placed a link to the Youtube video of him singing on the left. GO and watch it...

Monday 11 June 2007


I'm in shock!

There was a mountain of work, yes. I'm behind after my holidays, yes. Was there something that wasn't done that should have been... no?!

All of the items I left in my co-workers hands got completed. Properly, and on time. I need to mark the calender. this is the FIRST time ever this has happened.

You know, I was almost hoping I could be the "Wrath of God". It's nice to be let down on something like that. Those are the kind of let downs that I can learn to like!

Sunday 10 June 2007

End of holidays..

Today is the worst part of holidays.. the day before going back to work. I just know that no one did anything for me while I was gone, and I'm going to have it dumped on me about it not getting done.

I've had enough. If they try to dump it on me, I will simply put them on the spot. "Why didn't YOU do anything about it?"

As for my fishing trip, it was very nice. We caught fish, drank a few drinks back at the cabin, and enjoyed the time away from home. It's always nice to get home at the end though. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Packing my bags..

Hmm.. Usually I make a list of all the stuff I'm taking with me on a trip. Mostly so I don't forget something important. This year... no list.

I'm tempting fate, and begging to forget something important, like clean underwear. Well, not that, but you know what I mean.

As it is, I've got almost everything (that I can remember) ready to go. Just a couple loads of laundry and then it gets stuffed into bags.

I was asking Dad the other day what time my brother-in-law wants to go. He said, "Early, but it'll probably be 11am before we leave. You know how he is."

I silently shook my head and glanced at my mother. She was looking back at me with the same expression. I'll let you in on a little secret: My brother-in-law is a very careful planner. When his schedule gets pushed back, he gets upset. It's like poking a bear with a stick. Fun until the bear rips off your arm and beats you about the head with the messy end.

Sure glad I'm not riding with him tomorrow!

I'll be back on Saturday or Sunday!

Thursday 31 May 2007


I've got one more day of hell (aka work) before I'm on a week's vacation. I've got a fishing trip planned, and I've been looking forward to it for a few months now.

A whole nine days away from idiots and morons. Bliss!

I'll try to post a picture of the fishing trip when I get back. In the mean time, I've placed one from a couple years ago my brother-in-law caught. He's got the biggest grin you've ever seen in it. The fish is a walleye that weighed in at 11.5 lbs, and was 77 cm long. About 13lbs short of a world record, but it was caught about twenty yards from where the world record WAS caught.

On the girlfriend front, I've been talking some more with the new lady. I wasn't able to get out to see her last weekend, but I'm definitely going Saturday. I want to meet her in person. Maybe the sparks will fly...

Sunday 27 May 2007

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribben III

If you enjoyed the first movie, then thought the second movie was not bad, you'll definitely like the third movie. Full of action and quite a few good one liners, it will be two and a half hours of enjoyment.

No plot spoilers here, aside from this: make sure to stay and watch the final scene after the credits. While not strictly necessary, it answers the one question you will have at the end.

All in all, 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday 25 May 2007

Weekend?! Woo hoo!

Once again it's the weekend. What's in Average J's plans? Well, little bit of yard work (of course), some drinks to relax, a Starcraft tournament, and Pirates of the Caribbean III!

I've always loved pirates and the great sailing ships. I'd like to go on a cruise some time in my life on a 3 mast ship. I've been eagerly awaiting a new computer game called "Pirates of the Burning Seas" for several months now. It's almost ready to release. Can't wait!

I'm also going to make a trip to nearby Regina to meet the lady I've been talking to for the past two weeks. Wish me luck.

Things at work have calmed down a lot. This week was almost.. not quite.. enjoyable again. I'm going to watch my back, and document everything that's done, because I can sort of feel a second purge coming on. The people who relax and let down their guard will be the ones that get turfed. C'mon lottery!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Stale and moldy

I've looked back a t a few of my previous blog entries. Kind of boring, now that I look at them.

I'm going to start adding some more content to my blog. Links and stuff like that. You know.. the stuff I should have added from the start. As I'm currently caught up with my yard work (gasp!) and am patiently waiting for a return email from the lady I mentioned earlier in my posts, I have a bit of time to sort through the loads of garbage.. uh.. interesting stuff I can post.

Now.. where to begin..

Saturday 19 May 2007

Long Weekends

Long weekends are the working person's life preserver. You get an extra day off to do whatever you want. Some people work, others catch up on their sleep.

Whatever it is you're doing, make sure you enjoy it, because time goes by extra quick during the weekend. All of a sudden, you're back at work looking at the calender, thinking, "When is the next long weekend?"

I'm not going to think about work, and I'm not going to even drive near work. I'm burning out with all of the stress.

Anyway.. enjoy your weekend.

Thursday 17 May 2007

Girlfriend? Huh?

Hmm.. I've been using for a few years now, off and on. I have to say, it's the best site I've found on the web for the dating scene thing.

I got an interesting email the other day, and we've exchanged a few back and forth. So far, I'd have to say I'm... intrigued.

I'm kind of a wait and see kind of guy, and I've been down the Cupid road a couple times now with meeting a new person. I'll just reserve judgment until AFTER a few months go by.

As to work... I've been putting resumes out to a select few places, seeing if I get any bites. The past week has been hellish to say the least. Today had a couple high points, but I'm still not convinced I'm safe to relax.

I think I need to buy more lottery tickets. God I could have fun if I didn't have to worry about money... Who says you can't buy happiness?

Tuesday 15 May 2007


The memory for my upgrade came yesterday, and I've transfered all of my files over to the new system. It seems to be working very well. I'm quite pleased.

I'm slowly re-installing all of the software I use on a day to day basis, as I need it. That way I don't have a bunch of crap that I don't need clogging up Windows.

I think I'll install a game or two next.

Sunday 13 May 2007

How much lower can I go?

I've had a bad few days. I didn't want to load up the blog with me being depressed. I feel bad enough as it is, and I don't want to have the readers start to feel bad from reading my doom and gloom.

Basically, I've come to the realization that either my days are numbered at my current job, or I'm wildly paranoid, and need to relax some.

We'll see how this next week goes. It should help determine it for sure.

As it is, I've brought my resume up to date, and have started to send it out to various places in hopes of getting out of my current heading for a mental breakdown of a job.

All I'm looking for is something that will pay my bills. That's it. I'm not being greedy or anything, just want to be able to pay for the house, car, and loan.

Anyone know of any good jobs?

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Summer is here, and how!

Coming to work today, at 6:30am, I had to have the AC on in the car. The building is very humid due to the manufacturing process we do here, so it was sticky all day in the offices. Top it all off with a trip outside to where the construction contractors are working, drilling pilings, and trucks pounding the ground to powder.

Dirty, sticky, blow my nose and it's black type weather.

Part of my job is to monitor heat load on the production line workers. I use a fancy machine that looks like Spock and Wesley Crusher cobbled it together out of spare parts called a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer. Basically, it measures the temperature, air movement, radiant heat, and humidity. It then figures out using some insane formula the heat load on people. At the peak, the plant will run (with production floor AC's running full blast) around 35C (95F), with 99% humidity.

Sweating doesn't help, because the air is saturated. Fans don't help, because your sweat just rolls off you instead of evaporating. We stop for 15 minutes of cool down every hour of work when it's like that.

Our new expansion is supposed to have a blast freezer unit on the roof to direct cold air to the most needed sections of the plant. The smaller AC units should be able to keep up then. Last year I had about 10 heat related injuries (mostly heat exhaustion). Here's hoping this new system will get rid of those 10.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Why air conditioning is the best thing in the world...

Here I sit... wondering why it's so warm in my office. Then it dawns on me. The temperature outside is hovering close to 30C (that's about 85F for you Americans). The AC isn't on here yet, because it's been fairly nice up until now.

A bit of complaining, and BAM! Ice cold air blowing down on me.

Now, just for spite, I'm going to get a summer cold..

Monday 7 May 2007

Ahh.. procrastination....

I can hear a bunch of lawn mowers outside, roaring away at the lawns. It's reminding me that I need to rake and mow the lawn in the front.

I think I'll go and lay down until the feeling goes away.

Stress level... stable.

Things are quiet at work, but I'm still not satisfied that the storm has passed. I've been pretty busy today with a bunch of little things to take care of, from shipping fire extinguishers for re-filling, to reviewing proposed OSH legislation changes for our safety association.

It's amazing at how much you can lower your stress levels by simply not allowing other people to dump their problems on you. I can handle letting someone blow off steam once in a while, but I don't know how social workers handle the daily load.

On the plus side, I only have four more weeks (including this one) until I'm on holidays. This time of year is a fishing trip at a place called Nipawin. We've been going for almost ten years now, and I really look forward to it. No worries about work, no way for anyone to blame me for something gone wrong. Just me, the rod, and the fish.

Jealous yet?

Sunday 6 May 2007

Stress, office politics, and changing jobs.

I've been thinking about the past week this entire weekend. I'm not sure if I want to make such a fuss as I had said in my blog a few days ago now.

Perhaps it's time to look at my other career options. There's a saying, "Anyone can be replaced." Usually it's said to people who threaten to quit, but it work the other way around also. When they "release" you from your service, they will always be able to find a replacement.

I have a couple options open to me. One is more longish term, and requires me to bite the bullet and drop down under the radar until I can realize it, the other is more short term and could be in effect within weeks.

I'm going to look into a career change over the next week, and see if I want to move on.

Truth be told, I do not like the job I'm doing, but I'm too ethical to do a poor job at it.

Saturday 5 May 2007

The never ending yard work...

Yard work.. it never ends. Just as you think, "Whew. That's done, now I can go have a cold drink and sit down.." There's another thing to do. The another. Then another. Then it's winter, and it's time to put everything away, and start shoveling snow. I swear, when I win the lottery, the first thing I'm doing is hiring somebody to do the damn yard work for me!

There is one plus... I was outside today, in the sun, and feel somewhat tired, but fairly good. I need to get out and do a little every day. At least it's more interesting than running on a treadmill, looking at all the people who are much more in shape than me at the gym.

Saturday Mornings...

Why is it, on Friday night, you plan up all these thing to do on a Saturday and then when Saturday DOES rolls round, you don't feel like doing them? I'm not hung over, I got lots of sleep, nothing out of the ordinary here...


Aside from my procrastination, everything seems to be pointing at a normal day. This scares me, because I know the universe is planning something evil...

Friday 4 May 2007

Home.. At last!

Gack. I'm glad that week is over. Too much stress for me. Now I can totally forget about the stupidity that I call work, and focus on my own pursuits.

I just ordered some ram for my computer upgrade. I've been buying a piece here and a piece there for almost a year, and now is the big push to get all the bits together. All that is left is the ram. Average upgrades for me are once every three years. It's a little over due, but well worth the money spent.

I pretty much spend the majority of my leisure time on this thing, might as well make it worth it!

The beginning of an era!


I've always wanted to have my own blog, and here I am. I think I'll put various things in here from my life, and definitely stuff from work. As I deal in confidential things sometimes, names will be changed, as well as some of the details.

I'm currently at work, trying to look busy. We had a major shake up here just yesterday. The plant manager (a good friend of mine) stepped down from his position to take up something less stressful. He had been having some serious stress related problems the past few weeks, and I'm glad he found something that will relieve the problems he's been having.

The down side of this is this new guy we have who is sort of my new boss. He's a bit stuck up... not snobby, but so sure of himself and how he's better than the rest of us that it's insulting.

I may not have much post secondary schooling, but I'm not stupid either. Neither am I ignorant. It's really insulting to be put down because I don't have any letters after my name. I've shown time and again that I can function quite well in the business I'm in with what I've got.

I agree, education is important, but let me tell you, a lot of the so called "teachers" and professors out there are more in the dark about how to pass on the knowledge they posses than a fresh crop of mushrooms.

Anyway.. back to this new guy. He's been dumping negative feedback on all of the past decisions (some that I had no control or input on) back on my shoulders. I'm feeling like the kicking boy right now.

Anyway.. it's almost lunch, and I need to actually do some work today.