Wednesday 10 October 2007

Ah ha!

Ok.. now that I have some time on my hands, I can update the blog...

I now have a job. I will be working for SaskTel (the local telephone company) as a help line call attendant. I start in a week or so. Now I just have to fill the days with something until then.

I had a job temporarily previous to this. It was for a company in Regina called IRC. They are vocational rehabilitation consultants. Basically, these are the people who coordinate the doctors, physiotherapists, employers, occupational therapists and anything else that you need during a recovery period due to injury or illness. Very demanding work, but not really what I want to do.

One of the interesting things about the job was the fact I was the only man in the office. It was entertaining to say the least... In the two weeks I was there I heard and saw things that will stay with me for years.

One of the ladies is expecting, and I learned all about maternity clothes and how they fit. I happened to walk in on the boss showing the expectant mother how to tie your jeans with an elastic band on the button so you can wear them for longer than normal. And to top it all off, one day I was involved in a discussion regarding breasts and size, etc. The old adage of women having more explicit discussions than men is TRUE.

All of the conversations and things that happened stopped as soon as they realized I was there. It seems that after working in an office of all women for about a year, they would forget that I was there sometimes.

Let's move on...

Thanksgiving in Canada was Monday past. We had a wonderful Turkey supper at my parents place. I love turkey. I could eat it EVERY day. Yum.

Other than that, things are going well. Nothing to report on the relationship side of the my life. Still lonely and single. Perhaps once Christmas is past I will start looking again.

Keep looking back for more updates! I promise I won't wait as long as the last time. With hunting and the job, I was running constantly.

Movie Review

Resident Evil: Extinction

Terrible. That's all I have to say about this one. I spent my money, sat in the theater and was sorry after about the first five seconds I had done so. Man, what a stinker. About the only good part in the whole thing was Milla Jovovich. They try to be a "jump out and scare you" type of thriller, but fail at that. The plot was transparent, and hokey. Glaring holes in the continuity from movie to movie failing to, at best, even come close to Resident Evil canon. I can only hope they stop at that one. Otherwise we'll have to start calling it the Nightmare on Elm Street, or Jason series heir.

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