Sunday 9 December 2007

Pack-rat... Begone!

It's amazing how much junk a person accumulates over time. Part of the basement renovation involves clearing out a storage closet. The closet it quite large, basically the same square footage as a small bedroom. We decided, yesterday, to sort through it all. I had it in my head that it would only take about an hour... my mistake.

We ended up throwing out 90% of the stuff that was in there. It was an entire half-ton truck full of junk that went out to the landfill. Five years in this house, and in ONE storage closet there was a half-ton truck full.

Crazy. From now on, when someone says, "Do you want this?" I'm going to think carefully before accepting. Either I need/can use it right now, or can sell it on Ebay!

The next stage is to remove the shelves, demolition the wall, and carefully remove the wall around the furnace and hot water heater. I'm guessing next weekend will be the day to layout the chalk lines for the jackhammering.

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