Friday 4 May 2007

The beginning of an era!


I've always wanted to have my own blog, and here I am. I think I'll put various things in here from my life, and definitely stuff from work. As I deal in confidential things sometimes, names will be changed, as well as some of the details.

I'm currently at work, trying to look busy. We had a major shake up here just yesterday. The plant manager (a good friend of mine) stepped down from his position to take up something less stressful. He had been having some serious stress related problems the past few weeks, and I'm glad he found something that will relieve the problems he's been having.

The down side of this is this new guy we have who is sort of my new boss. He's a bit stuck up... not snobby, but so sure of himself and how he's better than the rest of us that it's insulting.

I may not have much post secondary schooling, but I'm not stupid either. Neither am I ignorant. It's really insulting to be put down because I don't have any letters after my name. I've shown time and again that I can function quite well in the business I'm in with what I've got.

I agree, education is important, but let me tell you, a lot of the so called "teachers" and professors out there are more in the dark about how to pass on the knowledge they posses than a fresh crop of mushrooms.

Anyway.. back to this new guy. He's been dumping negative feedback on all of the past decisions (some that I had no control or input on) back on my shoulders. I'm feeling like the kicking boy right now.

Anyway.. it's almost lunch, and I need to actually do some work today.

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