Monday 9 July 2007

Summer Marches on... UPDATE!

I knew it was bound to happen. I defy the universe to do something crappy... and it was nice enough to satisfy me.

I had to turn the power off to the back bedrooms of my house so I could safely install a cieling fan in my bedroom. When I powered up the office, which by the way contains all of my computers and stuff, the large network storage drive wouldn't start.

It was making very scary grinding noises, and the busy light wouldn't stop flashing. I powered it down, ,and scratched my head a bit, then turned it back on. Nothing. Not even a sickly red light indicating a failure of some kind.

The cooling fan had seized, then the controller board failed. Sooo... realizing it was a total loss, I removed it from the network, and scavenged the hard drive from the case. Now I'm down 120 Gb of storage, and all of that material isn't accessible.

All in all.. not life altering, just annoying.

On the brighter side of things, I'm reasonably sure the hard drive its self is still good. I guess I'll find out when I hook it up again...

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