Monday 30 July 2007

Job Search

I've been busy looking for work the last few days. When you're at work, you look forward to holidays and long weekends. When you don't have a job, your days tend to drag.. a lot. If I had some money, then I could do some things like paint the house, or renovate.

I hadn't thought that losing my job would bother me too much. I wasn't happy there, and was trying to find a way out for the last few months. Seems my sub-conscious won't let it go. I keep having dreams that I'm back there. Last night's was almost a lucid dream, as I knew it wasn't real. I guess I'm still trying to come to grips with being unemployed. Any suggestions to help with the dreams are welcome. Waking up tired is not my idea of a good night's rest.

I've been thinking about trying to write something. Short stories to start with, and work my way up to something longer. If I can get going, I'll need someone to proof it, and comment on the writing. I can always use constructive criticism.

Now.. just to flesh out some of those ideas I've had.

1 comment:

Big S said...

If you need a proof reader, let my wife know, I know she would be more than happy to help out. Unlike me, she actually LIKES to read :
But, if there is some graphic descriptions of nakedness, then you you know I would be all for it :)