Monday 29 August 2011

Damn Thieves!

This morning I went out to my car to go to work. Strangely enough the door was unlocked. I NEVER leave it unlocked.

When I got into the car, there was an electrical connection sitting in the street.

"What the hell is that?" I thought.

Wait.. that looks like a dash connector for the stereo...


Someone broke in and stole the stereo from the dash, and took my iPod as well!

The feeling of anger stuck with me all day and I was not pleasant to be around for the entire time. I'm still pretty upset...

Saturday 9 April 2011

Musings of Overtime

In an effort to get ahead of the game, I've been accepting a lot of overtime. In the past three weeks I've managed to bank away 60 hours of overtime. Some of this will be used to go to my friends' wedding. That will still leave a large portion (almost 40 hours) available for use for another holiday. I don't know what I'm going to do with it.

Do I save it for next year's vacation? Do I cash it out and use it on the house? Do I cash it out and pay some debt? If I cash it out I will loose about 30% of it to taxes. If I save it until next year I'm likely to have a mental break down due to too much working by then.

What to do?

I'd prefer the trip, but have no one to go with until next year. Hmm.. I may have to sit down and consider this a bit more.

Spring is here now, and as soon as the snow is completely gone and the yard is dry I will start my yearly battle with the leaves and grass and stuff. I honestly will be finishing my yard this year. I know I've said that several times, but this time there really isn't much left to do. Gate, gravel and grass. That's it!

 I'm posting this from work, while waiting for calls to come in.. As it is now my lunch, I will sign off and consider my dilemma.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

TV Series: InSecurity

I prefer to promote Canadian programming on TV, but some shows are just too terrible to even think about it. The show InSecurity is filmed in Regina. It's received quite a bit of acclaim from critics as well.

I'm sitting here watching the first episode. The only thing preventig me from turning it off is the fact that it is only 22 minutes long. Here is my reasons for NOT liking this show:
  • The jokes are old and overused
  • the acting is over the top.
  • I know its supposed to be a farce, but come on. People are not that stupid.
  • The script is filled with useless lines and interactions that just kill the flow of the show.
If this is the only thing that we can produce, it's no wonder there isn't a lot of good Canadian content on TV right now.  What a stinker. About the only saving grace is one of the main characters is smoking hot.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


I'm sitting at work (on a break!) and thinking about how long this winter has lasted. We really didn't get a summer last year, and with the really long spring we're expecting again, I'm wondering if I shouldn't trade in my car for a ski-doo.

I have my trip to Vegas all booked and paid for. Looking forward to seeing my buddy again, and meeting his wife to be. I think most of my time in Vegas will be people watching. Not a big gambler, and really, there's not a lot more to do aside from that, drink and sunbathe.

I've been working a lot of overtime so I can bank up some more vacation time. Hoping to do or go somewhere later in this year. If not, then I'll save it for my regular trip in February. We haven't even started talking about where we may be going, but I think the general consensus is Huatulco, Mexico.
Far be it for me to complain about a trip to anywhere warm, but I haven't had many good experiences in Mexico yet. So-so weather, limited choices in food, and way to commercialized. Maybe I can talk the group into going to Barbados? I think I'd like to go there.


Had a little break there... I'm at home and just finished re-installing almost all the software on my laptop computer. The stupid thing has been giving me some issues for a few weeks and I finally had enough time to do the work it needed. Hopefully it doesn't give me anymore troubles now!

Anyways, I'm going to TRY to do more updates more often. Now that they allow us to have our laptops at work it will be a lot easier.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Back in Canda, and wondering where the time went...

What the heck was that?

I've been back for a week, and it seems like the time is flying now. The trip, while not the best I've been on, was a nice get away from the snow.

I wrote my test and blew it away, so that was one worry that is off my mind. Now I just have to settle into the new routine. In about six or eight months I'll be getting another blast of information, so I won't have a chance to get complacent.

A good friend of mine will begetting married this summer, and his bachelor party is in Las Vegas. I'm trying to plan the trip right now. It would be interesting to go to Vegas, as I've never been there. I'm not a gambling type of person (seems like a waste of perfectly useful money!), so I won't be doing much of that.

Anyways, have to go and get ready for work. Need to pay for the next trip!

Saturday 22 January 2011

I'm going to Mexico!

I've set this post to automatically go up as I take off for Mexico. By this point I will have been waiting in the airport for about two hours, and be ready for a nap as the plane is scheduled to take off at 6:00am.

I can't tell you how excited I am to go on this trip. It's been building for a few weeks now, and the weather here has been absolutely COLD. There's nothing that will keep me from getting on that plane!

In about five hours, I will have a cervesa in one hand, and hopefully be well on my way to getting rid of all the tension I've built up over the past year.


Sunday 16 January 2011

Countdown continues...

5 days, 10 hours and 45 minutes....

I've started to make my lists, and get things organized. As I said before, I'm not taking my Android phone with me, but will be taking an iPod Touch and a Kindle for entertainment when I'm not doing any activities. I just started some videos converting so I have something to watch on the plane. When I get sick of that, I can read some "homework" that I will have with me this time. Chance has me writing a comprehension test at work the day I return from vacation, so I want to be able to review on the plane trip back.

My roomates have all told me that Spartacus is an amazing show, so I will be converting most of a season, as well as a couple movies, though I'm not sure which ones yet. As to books, I will be loading the kindle up with some of my 30,000 books that I have in my electronic library. Enough that I can pick and choose from whatever I feel like reading, whether it is sci-fi or fantasy, technical, or historical, I'll have something to read.

It's funny. This time next week, I'll have been there for two days (probably drunk for most of them as well!). I have a building sense of excitement, but it's not like a kid's excitement for Christmas. I believe this is one of the results of getting old. I'm excited for the lack of responsibility, schedule, and having to do anything I don't feel like doing. Want to sleep in? Do it! Feel like a midnight walk on the resort? Go ahead! Eat till you puke? Don't get it in the pool! The only people who will know you will be the ones you go with, and they don't count. No one you see will EVER see you again, so say and do what you like (within the law, of course) with no worries about being embarrassed when you get home.

My one regret... not being able to do this more than once a year!

Friday 14 January 2011

Almost on my way to a hot place!

I'm currently looking at the timer I have on my phone:

7 days, 18 hours, 42 minutes...

At that time I will be on a plane heading to Cancun, Mexico. The past week's weather has made me want to go NOW. I'm not going to be taking my new phone, but will have my ipod again. I might be able to post a little while down there, but no guarantees.

Pictures will be taken, and I'll post the ones I like the best up here when I get back.

Speaking about weather, we've had a ton of snow here. The drifts in front of the house are almost six feet deep, and there's a crazy amount hanging off the neighbor's roof. I would love to position one of the roomates under it and cause an avalanche.

So, short post, another to come before I leave.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Movie review: Skyline

I had great hopes for this movie. The previews and trailers made it look interesting. The special effects weren't over done. It wasn't in 3D.

As I watched it, I was entertained. I enjoyed the minimal plotline for the plain animal reactions of the characters. Then, just as it was actually getting good....

It ended. What? Is there something wrong with this copy of the movie? Why are the credits running? Then it dawned on me... this is either one of those lame attempts to start a television series with a movie, or they actually ended it on a cliffhanger.

Whoever did that deserves to be beat to within an inch of their life. I WAS enjoying the movie, but then you had to go and run out of money, try to do something stupid that leaves us hanging to "make us think", or some other "artistic" crap like that. The directors (two brothers) are not making an epic like Lord of the Rings, or the Matrix (which still is a disappointment to me). To Colin and Greg Strause: You Suck.

Don't bother with this movie, and don't tell anyone else to watch it.. unless you are trying to mess with them. Good idea, not bad acting, terrible end.