Sunday 2 January 2011

Movie review: Skyline

I had great hopes for this movie. The previews and trailers made it look interesting. The special effects weren't over done. It wasn't in 3D.

As I watched it, I was entertained. I enjoyed the minimal plotline for the plain animal reactions of the characters. Then, just as it was actually getting good....

It ended. What? Is there something wrong with this copy of the movie? Why are the credits running? Then it dawned on me... this is either one of those lame attempts to start a television series with a movie, or they actually ended it on a cliffhanger.

Whoever did that deserves to be beat to within an inch of their life. I WAS enjoying the movie, but then you had to go and run out of money, try to do something stupid that leaves us hanging to "make us think", or some other "artistic" crap like that. The directors (two brothers) are not making an epic like Lord of the Rings, or the Matrix (which still is a disappointment to me). To Colin and Greg Strause: You Suck.

Don't bother with this movie, and don't tell anyone else to watch it.. unless you are trying to mess with them. Good idea, not bad acting, terrible end.

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