Thursday 1 January 2009

Review: Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog

Wow. Two posts in one day?! What's going on?

I just had to put something up about this web show I saw today. A coworker was telling me about it on Tuesday. He's put me on to a few good shows, so I went ahead and downloaded it. Amazing. All I can say is it was one of the most entertaining things I have seen for a while now.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog was produced during the 2008 writer's strike. Written and Directed by Joss Whedon, it portrays the video blog of an aspiring Evil Genius. Free to watch in the United States on the website, we Canadians can view the videos on YouTube with a bit of searching:

Act I, Part I

Act I, Part II

Act II

Act III, Part I

Act III, Part II

I definitely suggest purchasing this video. We need to support stuff like this. I would love to see some more of the series, specifically as a web release. Show people the content, and they will pay for DVD's. I will be getting this one with my next Amazon order!

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