Friday 30 January 2009

Coming closer to the big 1-0-0!

I'm looking at the counter for the number of posts I have on here. It's currently in the 90's! Soon, I will be putting the 100th post up. Hard to believe.

To all of you who have been following my ranting and raving about nothing of import, thank you.

Now, on to the meat of this entry:

My new computer should be here soon. I didn't really need one, but some things came up and here's how the story goes. Mom and Dad have an older system that until now, suited their needs. It was a touch slow, but they weren't doing any power gaming or anything. BUT, over the last couple months it's failed in some way or another two or three times. I'm brought it back from the dead each time, but I feel like I'm playing Jenga. Every time it's brought back up, it's less stable.

Finally, I decided to give them this computer, and I will get a new one using the computer purchase program through my workplace. Nicely enough, I can get a top of the line system that will serve me for a couple years before I need to look at upgrades. To top it all off, I have a beta copy of Windows 7 that I want to try.

So when the computer gets here (hopefully today!) I can put it together, and then install the beta windows for a test run. Mom and Dad will have a more modern computer that is dependable, and we both won't have to worry about when the tower will crash.

On a side note, Mom should be home soon, probably today. The hospital she's staying in has a bad Norwalk epidemic running through it. They are shutting down the cardiac unit and want her to leave before she gets it. So does she. It's a little early for discharge, but the other option is a very, very sick person with recent heart surgery. Not much of a choice.

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