Monday 15 December 2008

Christmas Shopping

Ahh.... the feared / hated Christmas shopping.

Seems like every year I have this great idea in November to get all my Christmas shopping done early to avoid the feeding frenzy consumer roller-derby that is Holiday shopping. And, every year, somehow I don't manage to get more than one gift purchased before this last week of shopping until Christmas.

What to buy? Who would like to get this? How in the heck am I going to wrap this thing?

These are just a few of the questions that are flowing through the peoples minds as they wander mindlessly through the aisles at the mall or big box store. Top it all off with the incessant "seasonal muzak" that has been playing over the P.A. system since mid-November and you have something to be feared. It's no wonder people have more mental breakdowns during this time of year than any others.

There are several things that I DO look forward to during Christmas:
  • Uncle Mal's homemade Almond Brittle
  • Enjoying new liquors and drinks
  • Having our friends all together
  • Christmas Supper (Turkey!)
  • Aunty Bea's Christmas Sandwiches
  • Christmas morning gift opening with my family
With only ten days until the fat guy in red comes, I'm trying to pull it all together so I can relax those last couple days and enjoy it, rather than be out last minute shopping.

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