Tuesday 18 November 2008

That Time of Year

It's getting close to that time of year again. Christmas. I'm not sure what it is about me, but over the past 10 or so years, Christmas hasn't felt all that special. Maybe I'm becoming jaded.

I can remember when I loved this time of year. Holidays were coming up, Christmas was just around the corner, and then New Years! I enjoyed the coming of a new year. Now... there's no magic. It feels so commercialized. I didn't even put up the tree last year. Of course, there wasn't really any room either, with the house totally ripped apart. I don't know. Maybe I'm getting old and Scroogish. New years isn't anything special anymore, I'm usually working.

Perhaps as we start to get closer I will begin to feel some excitement. Perhaps all I need is someone special to spend it with.


Big S said...

It isn't HOW you spend your holidays, or even how much stuff you get. It's all about the love of your family and closest friends, don't feel jaded, be glad that you have people that love you and trust you unconditionally.....yes, we are out there my friend :)

Big S said...

You know who we are bud :)