Wednesday 22 October 2008

Winter is on it's way!

The weekend after we got back from Mexico, Mother nature decided to remind us that the seasons were changing. She dumped 15cm of snow on us overnight. While this may not seem like a lot in regards to what we normally get in a winter, it was wet, heavy snow. And it all came at once.

Here we are, a week later, and the snow is all gone again. It melted over two days. The strangest thing about the whole episode was the elms had not changed in color or dropped their leaves yet! It was really strange seeing these green leaves under all the snow. Our poor tree in the front yard was overwhelmed by the weight and was leaning over almost to the ground. It's made a comeback since then, but if that happens again, I'm afraid it will break off.

I have a load of work in the backyard to do still. I hope the permanent snow will hold off until after I can get the trimmed branches and leaves cleaned up. My work schedule is all evening shifts right now, and as the other two roomies work days only, we haven't had a chance to finish the yard up for winter.

Work is going well! My vacation recharged my batteries, and I'm ready for almost anything. Today is actually my One Year anniversary of starting work at SaskTel, and I'm still happy. I've looked at a few other jobs within the company, and am currently waiting to see if one bid I put in gets me an interview. It would move me out of the call center and back into Health and Safety. The pay is a little bit better (not much though), and I would have to commute. As it stands, I think I may turn it down if I do get the offer, but I'm going to wait for the interview and see what they can offer me. I may be able to do a lot of the work with a tele-office in my home. That would be interesting, to say the least.

Hallowe'en is coming up fast. The roomies want to throw a party. Sounds good to me, but I'm not going to arrange it or do any planning. THEY can do all the work this time. With that in mind, I doubt they will have the party...

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