Monday 16 June 2008

Bill C-61, the death of a neutral net in Canada

Well. It seems The Honourable Jim Prentice P.C, M.P., did not listen to Canadians. He was told previously with an almost violent upheaval that this bill was not wanted by the Canadian people. And yet, on June 13th, 2008, he tabled it in the legislature.

One of the more interesting points is that he tabled it just before it closed for the summer. This way, a vote could not be called, and the current minority government will be able to hold on by their toes for a few more months.

If you're unclear what this bill represents, please check out Copywright for Canadians.

Also, the CBC website has an excellent description of how this could affect Canadians.

I suggest you go to the Copywright for Canadians website and use their form letter generator to make a letter to your MP. It will email it automatically, and you can cut and paste it for printing. It's free to post mail to the government, so drop a copy in the mailbox. I'm not positive on this, but I don't believe emails can be tabled in the legislature, it has to be hard copy. For addressing, look here.

There is a facebook group lobbying against the bill that grew by 40,000 members over the past two days. I urge you to read its site and join!

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