Sunday 29 June 2008

BBS Games.. How I miss them....

Well.. I've been playing around some with my home web-page server, and I've managed to install a really fun game. Solar Imperium. It's based on the old Solar realms Elite that was around in the old BBS days. You don't know what a BBS is?!

Back in the days before the internet, computers could dial into each other. Speeds were not what I would say impressive compared to today's standard, but back then there wasn't a lot of graphics to bog it down either. Just plain old text!

Anyway, you would log into the computer, and check your mail (much like today). There were files you could download, and all of that jazz... but what made it attractive was the ability to play games against real human opponents! These could be called the first real online games. This was long before MMO's hit the scene.

Anyways, to make a long story short, I've found a PHP version of the game, and installed it onto my server. You can access it through the main site, or directly. A link has been placed in the side bar for when this post scrolls away into archive heaven. NOTE: The game was removed. Thanks to all who tried it out!

Log in, and have fun!

Saturday 21 June 2008

Canada's Copywight Fight

It seems Mr. Prentice failed to judge the outcry of his proposed bill. In an effort to placate the masses (and possibly save his job), he recently provided a radio interview to a CBC podcast reporter regarding the proposed Bill C-61.

I encourage you to listen to the interview and judge for yourself if he actually took part in developing this bill, or if he just passed on what the recording industries wanted to have in place.
(In the event the above link does not work, I have also placed the interview here, and here.)

Notice how he has no answers to many of the questions. In the end, he runs away and can not be reached for a follow up interview.

The people of Canada are making their voice heard. The world is looking at what will happen next. I can only hope the government doesn't disappoint them with capitulation to the American recording companies.

Monday 16 June 2008

Bill C-61, the death of a neutral net in Canada

Well. It seems The Honourable Jim Prentice P.C, M.P., did not listen to Canadians. He was told previously with an almost violent upheaval that this bill was not wanted by the Canadian people. And yet, on June 13th, 2008, he tabled it in the legislature.

One of the more interesting points is that he tabled it just before it closed for the summer. This way, a vote could not be called, and the current minority government will be able to hold on by their toes for a few more months.

If you're unclear what this bill represents, please check out Copywright for Canadians.

Also, the CBC website has an excellent description of how this could affect Canadians.

I suggest you go to the Copywright for Canadians website and use their form letter generator to make a letter to your MP. It will email it automatically, and you can cut and paste it for printing. It's free to post mail to the government, so drop a copy in the mailbox. I'm not positive on this, but I don't believe emails can be tabled in the legislature, it has to be hard copy. For addressing, look here.

There is a facebook group lobbying against the bill that grew by 40,000 members over the past two days. I urge you to read its site and join!

Sunday 8 June 2008

Baby Birds...Away!

I managed to get out in between the pouring rain we've been having to get another picture of the baby Robins that we've got living in our fence. They are really big, and glancing out, I'm not sure if some haven't already left the nest.

I didn't dare get too close to the nest, as poor Perse was getting dive bombed by the parents the other day. I think something happened in the neighbor's yard, and she was barking at the fence. She didn't have a clue that the birds are there, but they must have thought she was going after the chicks. Since then, things have quieted down. She stays away from the nest.

Speaking about rain.... Wow. We've gotten a lot in the past few days. It's been nice. Aside from me worrying about the roof leaking (remember, I need some new shingles?), it's been a pleasant few days. I contacted my neighbor and he's willing to go half on the new roof. Now just have to find some roofers who will give me quotes.

I'll see if I can sneak out and grab another couple pictures of the nest in the next day or so.

Sunday 1 June 2008

Spring is Truly Here!

While out cleaning the yard a few weeks ago, we noticed a new nest had been built in the fence. I had a quick peek without touching anything, and saw a single blue egg in the bottom. We quickly left nest alone, and have been keeping an eye on it from a discreet distance ever since. I think it's an American Robin's nest, but as I'm not much of a bird watcher, I could be wrong.

Just a few days ago, I saw some movement from my back window. Using the digital camera, I could zoom in pretty close. There was not just one chick, but three that I could see! I have a small surveillance camera that I'm trying to figure out how to hook up so I can get some better shots without disturbing the new family. Mom and Dad bird are busy feeding and such, and I'm afraid any real changes nearby will frighten them away.

When I went out to mow the lawn today, the parents were no where to be seen, but after I finished, they came back and had a load of worms for the chicks. The dog doesn't seem to bother them, and they leave her alone. I think it's something of a "live and let live" type of arrangement. Perse also keep any cats away from the nest.

I'm going to try to get some clearer pictures over the next few days. According to Wikipedia, they should only stick around for a month, and then all leave the nest within a few days.