Monday 22 November 2010

The Return!

It's been a few dry months, and long periods between posts. things have been crazy for me, just as it is every fall. Most of my time has been taken up by kicking off the podcast, and doing the start up. Happily, we have a solid listener base, and hope to see it keep growing over then next months.

If you're interested in listening to it, check out The Digital Crockpot homepage. We've got about a dozen episodes posted, and more coming! We're really hoping to do some more video episodes soon. I'm really enjoying doing this podcast. At one point in my life, I was looking to learn how to be a radio host or DJ, but somehow that fell through. Now I can do my own shows, and post them for who ever wants to listen. Who knows? Maybe we'll be syndicated at some point? We can only hope and work toward that goal.

Once again, I have scheduled a holiday away from the snow. This time I will be going to Cancun, Mexico. Here's hoping the place doesn't all explode before I get there.... or it at least waits until I leave...

Work is still work. I may be changing my position within the same company soon. I hope to get some new skills in the new year that will move me to another section of the same center. I believe some change is in order, as I find my patience wearing thin with some of the failings that don't seem to ever get addressed. Oh well. Head down, nose to the grindstone.

I'll be trying to post a little more in the upcoming days and weeks, and I might even manage to put something together on my trip. Who knows... Maybe I'll be able to send a picture or two?

In the mean time, be careful driving in the new snow! Oh yeah... Go Riders!

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