Friday 23 May 2008

Crab Fest

Wow. Last night, we boiled and cooked a bunch of snow crab legs. It was wonderful. Each of us was armed with a fork, a bowl with a third of a pound of melted butter and our appetites. The crab went into the pot.. it came out and into our bellies!

I have to admit.... the picture is one I grabbed from the internet. We ate the crab legs so fast that there was nothing but the devastation to photograph, and I didn't think you wanted to see our leftover shells in a bowl.

We had a little left over, so we shelled the meat, and I'm going to get some large cap mushrooms, and make garlic crab caps with cheese on the weekend.

The weather here is looking up. It hasn't been really hot yet, which is nice. Since the furnace is currently out of commission in preparation for being replaced, I can't fire up the A/C to cool the house off if it does. From what I can tell, it may be here early next month.

Not much to say today other than that!

Thursday 22 May 2008

Big News!

Well, I finally made it down to the bank and spoke to them about using some of the equity in my mortgage. They said yes!

I'm going to replace the furnace first. Man... It's a scary thing. It's a Flamemaster from the 70's. My roommate, who is a plumber, likes to call them
"Crackmasters" because they are well known for randomly cracking the heat exchanger. This is bad. It means the Carbon Monoxide from the furnace flame fills the house and you smother in your sleep. I've always said I would like to die in bed, but that's not quite how I meant it.

I'm also going to get new shingles put on the roof. I live in a duplex, so over the past few days I have been trying to get a hold of the landlord for next door. We really need these shingles done. I was picking up shingles that had blown off during the winter just a few weeks ago. I had made a temporary fix last year, but it's past that now.

Apparently, according to the tenants who are moving out, the landlord next door is a penny-pincher, and will not want to go half on replacing the roof. I spoke to the insurance company, and they said that's fine. Just do my side if that is the case. If his side leaks, they will repair my side and sue him for the costs. I'll give him another couple weeks to respond.

The other news I have to share is..... I AM GOING TO MEXICO THIS FALL! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!

Plans are set, costs are quoted, and the money is there. One whole week, eating, drinking, taking in the sun, drinking, swimming, drinking, looking at the sights, drinking.... Did I mention drinking?

Not to sound like a drunkard, but I told the others my main goal is to be drunk by noon on the first whole day we are there, and keep a pleasant buzz until the last day.... seeing as they won't let me on the plane if I have been drinking.

Today also marks our first Crab-Fest in the household. We've been watching "Deadliest Catch" and every time we see the crab come pouring onto the boat, we start to salivate. We bought a 10 lb box of snow crab legs, and will be feasting on them tonight. Yumm!

I will make sure to have pictures for the blog!

Sunday 11 May 2008

I'm a Bad, Bad Boy.

Now I've done it. I went and made a promise to have something special on the blog, and I failed to put anything up.

The One Year anniversary of the blog was not celebrated or denoted in any way except a crappy cliff hanger I left on the last update. And then I had the audacity to leave it blank that day!

Sorry, my most humble readers.. (all three of you!)

I have nothing. Bupkiss. The only thing of note in my life are the following:

  1. Mark moved out to go tree planting in British Columbia this summer. Not sure if he will be moving back in the fall or not.
  2. The shower in the basement is completed and usable. I had a glorious shower in it just yesterday after we worked in the yard.
I'll see about having something spectacular happen in my life in the next little while, just for you, my avid readers!

Friday 2 May 2008

Time Keeps on Slipping

It's the first week of May. Wow, this year is flying past.

I've been out of town for a couple weeks, sitting on a committee for work. We were doing Hazard Identification and Prevention development for all of our call centers. Mind numbing, and somewhat repetitive, but very necessary. Not only that, but it's full time hours for me, right at a time when I could use it.

One of my room mates and I are planning on going to sunny Mexico in the fall. I need to save up some money to go. I have 4 months to stash away enough for the trip. It's going to be difficult, but possible.

The basement is on the cusp of being finished. Carpet in the office, baseboards and trim for both, and ceilings. The room mates and I will be finishing the shower this weekend. I left the shower for so long because it was at a good stopping point. We were still swinging around lengths of wood and hanging stuff above, so I didn't want to have a glass wall broken by accident, but now that we're down to the line, it can go in.

One last note: Check back on Sunday... That will be the Blog's One Year Anniversary! I'll try t have something special for everyone then!