Friday 4 April 2008

Trudge, trudge, trudge.....


My computer fiasco is behind me. It's fixed... for now. I plan on doing a major swap around when the network attached storage module comes. I can move all of my files out of the computer. It will be accessible by the network, and everyone will have their own piece of storage on it.

In doing this I found that we didn't have enough Ethernet ports on the router and switch. So I got an 8 port 10/100/1000 switch. Then we found that there was no wireless access inside the firewall. When I'm done, the network in the house will be better than most small businesses!

Work is progressing. I'm feeling kind of ambivalent about it right now. I don't want to do any boat rocking for the next little while. Most of the time I like to be a behind the scenes kind of person. Lately I've been pushing myself to the front and sort of doing a little dance in front of everybody. While it feels good to do it occasionally, it's not really me. I'm a little tired of the constant vigilance it requires. Time to nose-to-the-grindstone for a while.

Basement is stalled again. I need to get some crap out of the way. It's going to be an awful shock to a couple roomies when they realize they have to help do some work. That or I'm going to start tossing the junk into their rooms. Seems like they are expanding to take up all the available space as fast as I can clear it to work. Where's my snow shovel?

Spring is coming. I can't wait to fix the barbecue and be able to do some nice steaks on it. The burner is rusted through and it won't light. Perhaps I'll fix it this weekend. There's nothing like the first spring/summer barbecue of the season.

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