Wednesday 23 June 2010

Windows on the way!

A few days ago, I called the company who had installed the other windows in my house last year. He came over and gave me an updated quote for the large picture window at the front of the house.

A bit more than last year, but still a great deal, the whole window replaced and installed for about $2000. Happily, this is the last window to be replaced upstairs. The basement windows are smaller, and when I get around to doing them, It will be a lot cheaper.

In about six weeks, the window will be be built, and the installer will come and pull out the old one. I can't wait! My new window will have two side panels that will open. The front of the house doesn't have any way to ventilate at all except for the front door. While there's not a lot to worry about in this neighborhood usually, I don't want to leave the front door open while I'm sleeping.

After this window is done, I have only a few large projects left. One of the smaller ones I want to complete is the eaves troughs. Stupid things always get clogged with leaves, so I'm going to have them all replaced with new stuff that has the leaf guard on it. And maybe have them re-route the one on the front, so that it doesn't pour water onto the driveway. Not so big a deal in the summer, but spring and fall it makes the front walk like a skating rink.

Today is one of the few days it hasn't rained. I'm going to wait until later in the day (so it can dry a bit more) and try to cut down the jungle in the back.

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