Thursday 24 December 2009

Now THAT'S Talent!

And no, I'm not talking about those stupid "Blank's got Talent" shows.

The video below is an example what someone who has the time, inclination, and love for something can do. I sat almost mesmerized by how seamless the effects were. Hard to believe he did it with a budget that was less than a million dollars. Hollywood's always trying to make it seem like the movies that they make are so super-expensive, and cutting edge. So far, the effects I've seen them put out still force me to suspend my disbelief enough to accept they are real. In Mr. Alvarez's video, the only spot the scenes don't consume you is a single blood splatter effect, in my opinion. 

"Mr. Alvarez had the idea to make a movie about the attack of giant robot aliens on Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. It was similar project to “The Day When The Earth Stood Still”. He based the whole 5 minute movie budget on apparently 300-500$ but the sum that the sources say varies. The fact still stays the same. Federico Alvarez made his own dream come true, by using a simple way to distribute his work freely on YouTube. This way everybody who have seen it spread the word and slowly but surely the word reached producers in Hollywood and his career will soon be rising, better way to say it is skyrocketing after showing his skills in such a low budget but still high quality product." - Quoted from ExtraTorrent's article

Enough from me... see for yourself!


Anonymous said...

YES! DREAMS CAN COME TRUE! I'm living proof! I've always wanted to be a writer and now I AM! I've recently submitted my first fantasy novel off to a book publisher you might have heard of - DEL REY! My story involves a human palladin (called Gantor) who falls in love with a beutiful drow elf (called Lidelwill) who both hates and loves him too! When Lidelwill's father discoveres this situation, he steels her away and Gantor searches for his love with his trusty pal, Bicknick, who's a dwarven hunter! I don't want to say more, but boy is it good! I think it is safe to say that its a long epic (Its more than 700 pages in length). I havent worked for over two years because of it. So payday will be sweet! If I get my check in time, I'll make sure to stop over in Punna Cunna and kick sand in your face! You'll be able to spot me from a mile away because I'm the gay with the ladies hanging off me and with all the money - Ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention the title of my book! It called "Gantor and Bicknick: Soldiers of Love". If you now how to read, check it out at bookstores near you!

Anonymous said...

Your such a moron! You have absolutely zero chance of getting your "book" published. Personally, I'm glad there are people like you around - you make me look so very good.