Saturday 3 October 2009

Vacation Planning

Well.. It's time to plan my next vacation!

I was in Puerto Vallarta last year at this time, and in three months, I plan on being in Punta Cana! Now all I need to do is find someone to go with me to share my room. My room mate had to pull out just AFTER I paid the deposit, and the cost for a single room is 600 bucks more. While I might be able to pay it, it makes the trip a little expensive.

Happily, we (that is, myself and some of the others going on the trip) have a few back-up plans. I might share a room with two others, or my buddy from Calgary might be going in my roomie's stead. Either way, I AM GOING!

I want to have this all sorted out over the next week. Once it's all said and done, I'll be MUCH happier!


Anonymous said...

Vacasion? Must be nice! I get to go on a vacasion at the end of every month - a vacasion from food!I don't complain about it though. Its just a fact of life cause the goverment taxes everything to shit. It makes me mad that you get to live the fancy dancy life with your big fancy jobs and fancy women, while us regular folks pay our taxes for roads when we can't afford cars!! Hope you enjoy riding on the roads I paid for!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh, looks like you got a hater of your blog. A rather shallow, insecure person who thinks to much of himself....EVERYONE pays taxes, not just the twit.

Anonymous said...

I am not shallow and insecure! I now exactly who I am and I'm not intimated by insults! I just think that "just an average guy" has a pretty good lifestyle for an average guy. How many average people get to go on vacasions each year to strange places? None that I now! Grow up! Yeah, sure you pay taxes - but you probably hide money so the government cant see it!

Anonymous said...

I need to grow up? Look who's talking. I'm not the one insulting others because they can afford to go on vacation (that's the correct spelling of the word, in case you wanted to know)

Did you think, that maybe, he SAVED up his money to be able to go? I guess not, you just assumed that he had that kind of money laying around so that he could go at whenever he pleased.

If you don't know any "average" people that can afford to go on vacation, then you need to get out of your mother's basement and give the world a sniff, there are MILLIONS of them out there.

As far as the taxes are concerned, there is a good chance I pay more then you do.

Anonymous said...

mmm... I can has vacation.

I look forward to the stories from this trip. And try to remind Greeves to use sunscreen this time

Big S said...

Oh my! Lots of comments about vacation!!! Who knew!! Have fun old man!! Wish I could join you!!

Anonymous said...

HA!! It seems Mr. Insecure has left the building!! Grow the fuck up!! The universe doesn't revolve around you, you dumb shit. Get a life, you dumb yank! You got a problem with me? So be it, lets argue over some bangers and mash, if you are smart enough to know what that is.

Anonymous said...

“Bangers and mash”? Why don’t you talk to me using regular language? Sorry if I don’t speak latin! Speaking of latin – have you been there lately? Wouldn’t be surprised if you had. Yah maybe some of you make a bit more money, but that’s only because I’m in between jobs right now. I’m looking for a good job, but theres just nothing out there to be found. But fear not because I’m working on an independant project that will bring in revenues for me for the rest of my life. I’ll be sure to buy you guys a drink when my ship comes in – NOT! Then we’ll see whos insecure!
mr. insecure

Anonymous said...

You just confirmed how stupid you really are. If you would have taken 2 seconds and google the term "bangers and mash" it would have given you an idea where I come from. It's English you moron.

And as far as your "independent (correct spelling again) project," the lottery doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Okay! Maybe I didn't go to all those big schools you went to, but that doesn't mean I'm not smart. Lots of people from university are not smart and lots of people without university are! Just because you spell better and can tell me how many angels dance on the head of a pin doesn't make you smart!

By the way, my independent project is a book. I'm a novelist - or will be once I'm done. Guess who isn't getting a signed copy?

Anonymous said...

LOL!! A novelist? I find that VERY funny since you can't spell whatsoever. And you are incredibly naive if you think that ONE book is going to set you for life. Like I said before, move out of mum's basement and get a real life.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to all that it is you who knows nothing at all - especialy about the book business! Okay, maybe I'm not the best spellar, but you don't need to be to write a published book. It's called an editor and its his job to correct your spelling. AS for writing one book, who said anything about me writing only one book. My first book is the first of the series. It's like the Dragonlance series, only better. So it seems I've one uped you again. When will you stop making a fool of yourself to everyone?
Mr. Insecure

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Maybe you should write comedies since you are hilarious!

Big S said...

OMG!! You two are STILL going at it? I thought this argument was finished! Both of you, get a life and stop this crap! "Mr. Insecure" STFU and write your dam book, the other anonymous person, obviously a brit, leave it be. Average J is my friend. Let's please stop this.