Thursday 29 October 2009

Insomnia Strikes Again!!

I usually don't have a lot of troubles falling asleep. The only times I get insomnia is when I'm under a lot of stress, or something happens to wake me just as I'm falling asleep.

Tonight falls under the second category, coupled with a early morning work shift amongst the midnights. We've all experienced it, the sudden jarring back into consciousness just as we were falling into the sweet seduction of Morpheus' song.

Luckily, I don't work tomorrow, so I can catch an early afternoon nap that won't mess up my sleep schedules any more. I've done some things to help my body get into the rhythm of sleep... Warm milk, good book, and cool room. Now just to go and let my mind relax enough to slip away.

I know in the morning, I'm going to be fuzzy and not want to get up, but I'll have to force myself anyways. If I let my schedules get mixed up enough, nothing but some strong sleeping pills will allow me to get back to a good sleep at night. Here's hoping!

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