Thursday 25 June 2009

Time Flies!

Yesterday, my parents were in Regina to see my niece graduate. Wow. It seems like only a few years ago that my mother came running into my room at 4 am to wake me and tell me that she had been born.

My age has never really bothered me. Some people almost have nervous breakdowns when they hit 30, and feign a calm exterior when they get to 40. For me, it's just another birthday. Hey, I like getting gifts and having the party that goes with it (who doesn't?!), but the actual number still is just that. A number.

Seems like a lot of thing lately have been pointing out to me that I'm a middle aged man and not some young guy who can put off things until tomorrow. Just the other day one of my roommate and I were talking about a movie we had seen when we were younger. The other roommate, who had been listening, said he had never heard of it. We both looked at him like he had a third head. Then it dawned on us. He hadn't been born yet when the movie was released. And now the grad. Little things like that.

In other news, the yard change is going ahead slowly. We've got half the preparations done for the gravel into the dog run. I have the back breaking task of leveling the ground in a 10 x 10 area. Why is it backbreaking? I have to do it with a shovel. By hand. We pounded down the post saddles yesterday, and finished the end anchors, so all the fence actually needs now is the posts mounted on their saddles, and the cross pieces put up. I finally decided to go all plastic coated chain link. Seeing as my yard is small to begin with, using chain will keep it from seeming claustrophobic.

With a little more work, we can get started on the re-insulating of the one back bedroom. The spare is now available and set up so we can temporarily move Rob to it. Then we can pull down that gyprock and see what's causing the heat loss. Hopefully we can get it down before the windows come for installation.

I'm REALLY looking forward to the new windows. I think the old ones are leaking enough air now that I should see a huge difference in my heating/cooling bill when we plug them up. I know for a fact the kitchen window might as well be a big open hole, it's that bad.

I think I need a vacation.

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