Saturday 9 May 2009

Star Trek - The New Experience

I just got back from the new Star Trek movie. And wow.

I wasn't sure what to expect. If I was going to follow the past cycle, then I would expect it to be terrible. Now you say, what do you mean by that? Ok, here it goes:

1) Star Trek: The Motion Picture - For a first try in changing a TV series to a movie, not bad. But it certainly didn't seal the deal for the Trek universe.

2) Wrath of Khan - Words can not begin to describe this movie. Ricardo Montalban was at the top of his game when he was in this movie. Ripped, and a great actor, the movie can be identified by even non-trekkies by a single word/phrase: "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"

3) The Search for Spock - Wierd. Kind of lost the Trek feeling. We had a female Vulcan who had maternal feelings for spock as he rapidly went through puberty. It took most of us several years to push through that roadblock in life, and that was painful enough. I can't imagine doing it in 48 hours.

4) The Voyage Home - A great family movie. It came at the perfect time to renew the flagging trekkie interests. It also was the "flagship" hook for "The Next Generation" that started airing the next year.

5) The Final Frontier - Another not so sparkling flick. It showcased some of the fancy new special effects that had been developed since the first episode aired on TV, but was lacking in any major story. Truth be told, it seemed more like a 30 minute TV episode stretched out painfully thin.

6) The Undiscovered Country - Great story, edge of the seat stuff, drama, and action. Classic Trek! Also the last true motion picture to have the original cast.

7) Generations - So-so. This one also seemed like an extra long TV episode. It didn't really have the epic feel that a trek movie should.

8) First Contact - Patrick Stewart made this movie believable. His and the rest of the cast's flawless performance pushed the new franchise into the hearts of Trekkies everywhere.

9) Insurrection - Full of feel good and vaguely "go green" leanings, it was epic, but seemed flat. even the humor employed was just short of slapstick most of the time.

10) Nemesis - The story needed you to some pretty severe suspension of disbelief. The saving grace was how it got you to invest your emotions fully into the characters, and roller coastered you up and down. All of the questions were answered at the end. Great movie.

This brings us to Star Trek (2009). It doesn't have any other name at this point. Breaking out of the typical mold, J.J. Abrams has re-invented the Trek of yesteryear. Without giving any spoilers, I can't go into any more detail. Suffice it to say, a truly excellent movie that I gladly paid the movie theatre cost to see, and will definitely purchase when it comes out on DVD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the trek movie yet, but am hoping to do so soon once I get enough cash saved up! There's something about these trek movies that makes me both glad and sad. Obviously the movies make me feel glad because they're awesome. But I feel sad because instead of living in the very cool future, I live in the crappy here and now in a trailor with my drunk wife and children. If I had been born in the future, I know beyond any doubt that I would be an officer in the Federation and would likely end up being a first officer or captain of a galaxy class ship. That's were I was meant to be - among the stars! Boldly going were no one has gone before! Instead, I get to spend my time doing the same shit I do everyday, like mopping floors and unplugging toilets.