Sunday 26 April 2009

Blackberry or I-pod?

For a little while I've been contemplating getting a blackberry when my contract with Rogers is up. It's pretty much a palm computer with a cellular component. Very useful.

The main problem is that it is more based in business use rather than personal use. I also wanted something that could be updated without having to buy a new one every so often. In walks the Apple I-Pod touch.

In the past I have been leery about all things Apple. Their prices are grossly inflated, and the hardware cannot be upgraded. But.. and this is a big but....

1) 99% of the software for the I-touch is third party developed. It only costs a buck for most of it!

2) Apple is constantly offering OS upgrades for download. One I'm looking forward to is bluetooth activation next month. That will open a whole new range of applications for the I-touch.

3) The itouch acts as an MP3 player. My model is an 8Gb storage. You can get up to 32!

4) With wifi available virtually everywhere now I'm online wherever I go, can surf, get and send email, and even install Skype and turn it into a VoIP device.

So, when my contract is up, I will still be going to a different provider (Most likely my employer!), but I will not be getting a blackberry. With a bit of elbow grease, I can convert, maybe even find, an application that lets me do everything a blackberry can, plus have the extra functionality of a pocket computer.

1 comment:

Big S said...

Ya, I have done quite a bit of research about it. I have even started downloading the pc software for when I get mine on Thursday. I can't wait :) I just hope they have them in stock when I go to get one.