Sunday 26 April 2009

Blackberry or I-pod?

For a little while I've been contemplating getting a blackberry when my contract with Rogers is up. It's pretty much a palm computer with a cellular component. Very useful.

The main problem is that it is more based in business use rather than personal use. I also wanted something that could be updated without having to buy a new one every so often. In walks the Apple I-Pod touch.

In the past I have been leery about all things Apple. Their prices are grossly inflated, and the hardware cannot be upgraded. But.. and this is a big but....

1) 99% of the software for the I-touch is third party developed. It only costs a buck for most of it!

2) Apple is constantly offering OS upgrades for download. One I'm looking forward to is bluetooth activation next month. That will open a whole new range of applications for the I-touch.

3) The itouch acts as an MP3 player. My model is an 8Gb storage. You can get up to 32!

4) With wifi available virtually everywhere now I'm online wherever I go, can surf, get and send email, and even install Skype and turn it into a VoIP device.

So, when my contract is up, I will still be going to a different provider (Most likely my employer!), but I will not be getting a blackberry. With a bit of elbow grease, I can convert, maybe even find, an application that lets me do everything a blackberry can, plus have the extra functionality of a pocket computer.

Sunday 19 April 2009

To Twitter or not to Twitter...

Looking at Facebook, and how dissatisfied with it I am lately, I have decide to move on to something more minimalist: Twitter.

Actually, I'm mostly getting sick of the millions of announcements about "What type of Avocado are you?" and crap like that. Really, all I use it for is the status stream, and pictures. Talking with a friend, he pointed out twitter does all of that... and is easy to use.

I've added a twitter status panel to the blog. Notice (at least for a little while) that there are very old twitters on there... I had used it for a little while, but for some reason it fell out of my favor. So... for the next little while, ignore the ones that are 500 days old!


Friday 17 April 2009

I Spoke too Soon!

Almost an hour after I made that last post, my Xbox 360 flashed the Red Ring of Death at me and gasped it's last breath.

Luckily, my warranty is still in effect and they will be replacing it. Now I just have to wait 3 or 4 weeks for it to come back.

And the strange thing is I don't use it much for playing games. No.. it's a media center for the TV mostly. Oh well. I'm thinking of getting a PS3 for the media center now and delegating the xbox to the upstairs living room. No Red Ring, and it has a Blueray DVD also...

Thursday 16 April 2009

Sometimes, boredom is a good thing...

Hmmm.. Not much to report on lately.

Seems like a calm before a storm. I really hope it's a storm of good things. But with my luck it going to be a bunch of stuff that really suck.

I've been trying to get more pictures in the blog, but for some reason I just haven't got the drive to drag my butt out and get them. I've been thinking about taking my camera everywhere I go.

I always forget about the the one in my phone. I took this when I was in training last year. I thought it was quite funny that a bunch of technicians would have a horrible rats nest of wires in the middle of the desk like that. The best part is that the whole system worked perfectly, and we really didn't know what we were doing when we put it together...

Oh well.. I just have to suck it up and start taking my camera with me some times.

Friday 3 April 2009


I'm feeling particularly grumpy today. Not sure why, just a basic malaise.

I don't feel like watching tv, and I just can't get into a new book.

The neverending yard work will start up again soon. Right now I have a swamp in the back yard, made all the more pleasant with the little presents the dog has left me over the winter.

There's a ton of painting to be done inside this year, and I desperately need to replace the fascia on the front of the house. Top it all off with three windows that have to be replaced before the fall, and I'm pretty sure I won't be going on any vacations this year at all.