Friday 26 September 2008


I'm less than 12 hours from leaving. Excited.. Hell yes!

I have some last minute running around to do for the house, and then it's just waiting... waiting...waiting.

The other two have to work today... I can't imagine what that would be like.

Hopefully I can post up a picture while I'm down there, but to tell you the truth, I hope I don't see a computer the entire time I'm there!

Anyways.. last blog until I get back!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Houston, We are GO for launch!

71 hours! That's all that's left until we're on our way.

It's going to be a crazy two days leading up to the launch time, and I think the excitement has reached a fevered pitch. All that's left is packing and checking our lists to make sure we haven't left anything behind. I have to prepare the house for our absence. There's nothing worse than coming back to a garbage that was forgotten and has been "fermenting" for a week in the house.

As it's close to the first snow, I'll have to leave the furnace on a low setting to prevent any freezing while we're gone. Normally, I would turn it off completely, but can't take the chance of burst pipes.

Cant wait!

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Finally, a roof over my head!

The roofers were here yesterday to do the majority or the shingling and repairs to the roof. They got here bright and early, and were ripping off the old shingles at 7:30am.

By noon they had half of the house shingled!

The other half was completed by around 4:30pm. All that is left is the cap shingles. I guess the boss forgot to have them delivered for his crew yesterday, so they will be finishing it up today.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the job they did. They couldn't get the shingles I wanted (3-tab regular shingles with 25 year warranty), so they got the next step up: a high quality fibreglass shingle with a 30 year warranty. No extra cost to me!

Now I think I'll look at finally painting the fascia, as it's peeling and looks awful. Speaking to the neighboring duplex, we might just get it sheathed with aluminum next year. That way it will be done, and will not need any painting for a long time, if ever.

I've been tormenting poor Rob (my plumber room mate) about when the furnace will finally be installed. He's starting to get a little upset, so I might just lay off him for a bit. All we're waiting for is the tin smith.... STILL. Every time I ask he relays another reason why it hasn't been done yet: his pet died, he's got to go to his trade classes, the boss wanted him to do other jobs. Needless to say, I haven't been impressed by the tin smith's stellar performance. I think three months is more than enough time to do a new manifold for the furnace.

We may have a new person coming to live in the house. Graeme's little (actually he towers over all of us) brother has a new job here in the city. Luckily we have a room open in the house for him. All we need to do is finish sorting Rob's stuff that we moved from his ex-wife's out if it, and throw some paint on the walls. I would like to put down new carpet (and fix the bloody annoying squeak in the floor) but I don't have the spare money right now with the trip to Mexico coming up in 9 DAYS!

Thursday 11 September 2008

My Xbox 360 has its own blog!

Wow. This should be pretty neat if it works. Apparently the people at 360voice Community have put together a website that allows your 360 to blog about its self! Just for kicks, I put mine up to its own blog. It should start posting in a day or so, as it takes a bit for the information to acumulate to the point that it has something to say.

You can check it out at

Go and check out the site!

The countdown to Mexico continues. Our tickets are in and I will be picking them up tomorrow along with the itinerary. We've got most of our plans all in place, and agreed upon, and there's just some final run around stuff to get done. My list is almost a page long now. I've removed some things and added others, but nothing important has been left out....I think.