Friday 24 August 2007

Job Front

Nothing really of note aside from a couple of tentative offers, and some consulting. I'm hoping to get a really good interview next week and be back in the "Got a job" club.

I'm starting to feel comfortable not going to work at all, and that's not a good. thing. I need to have something to give structure to my life, as I suck terribly at doing it on my own.

If I do get the job I'm interviewing for, then I may be traveling more. One of the things I need to get is a new digital camera. My old one got dropped, and stopped working for some strange reason.. (go figure). So...I've added a Shop to the side bar. Click on the CafePress button on the side to visit the shop. I'll be adding more and changing the shirts as I get more stuff. All proceeds will go towards a decent camera. By decent, I mean something around the 3 - 4 mega pixel range. Seeing as I'm an indifferent photographer at best, that's all I need

Movie Review: Stardust

Went and saw this on the past weekend. I forgot to post about it then, so here's goes..

All in all an excellent movie. Definitely a family movie. No cursing, and mild violence. Lots of high adventure. Michelle Pf
eiffer and Robert De Niro are only two of the actors in this film that produce stellar performances. Either go see it or rent it when it comes out. I'm probably going to buy it. 4.5 out of 5 stars!

Monday 13 August 2007

YouTube.. or should I say BoobTube?

I've been surfing through YouTube the past week and have yet to find anything that is good.

Of the people who are posting themselves singing, most sound like they need to go and get some more singing lessons. Truly. I am able to tell when someone is half or quarter note off of a pitch, and it can be really painful. Needless to say, I avoid Karaoke like the plague.

Most of the How-To videos are either so far advanced, and too short to be of use, or so incredibly simple, that the three week old yogurt in my fridge could be able to figure out how to do it. And people.. wear proper clothes when you make the videos. Some guy, not wearing a shirt, explaining to me how to do something that I'm sure he thought up in a pipe dream is not a paragon of knowledge.

Oh yeah.. LOOK AT THE DAMN CAMERA! You can check out how you look AFTER you're done recording. It's a known fact that people who are unable to make eye contact are labeled by the sub-conscious as untrustworthy, or subversive.

All of that aside.. content is sorely lacking. Most of the stuff on YouTube is someone whining, preaching, or boasting. I'm sure there are some nuggets of good in there, but I'm sick of sifting through all the dross.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Top 100 rules to being an Evil Overlord.

I have to applaud Peter Anspach... He's thought out the rules to being the most successful evil overlord yet.

Check out the How to be a Successful Evil Overlord site...

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Facecbook.. The new crack of the internet.

Well, I went ahead and did it. I set up a Facebook web page. I've placed it in my favorite links along the sidebar also, so when this post scrolls away into archive heaven, you can still find it.

I've locked a lot of the content in the face book page so that only friends can see it. If you send me an invite, make sure to explain who you are and why you want to add me to your friend's list. I'm kind of particular about who has my contact information. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't want some 300lb guy banging on my door with a tube of KY and an invitation to "feel the love".

I'll have to say it's a cool website. I've found a few friends I had lost contact with. Maybe I'll be able to keep track of them now.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Warranty? Not really..

Once again, Big Business has shown me that they really don't care about the customers they "serve". A friend of mine had purchased a computer package from Future Shop in nearby Regina. They got the extended warranty package, simply because it was a good choice.

Recently (about two months ago) they had a problem with their LCD monitor, so they took it in to be serviced. The store had to send it back to the manufacturer. Here's the first problem. No loaner or anything in the mean time. TWO MONTHS! Terrible.

A few days ago, they contacted my friends and told them they can't fix the monitor and they would be getting a new one. We went to Regina to pick it up. Once in the store, we were told that in order to continue with the store's "warranty" package, my friends would have to pay for another 4 or 5 years on the monitor. Otherwise, it was "considered satisfied". Pardon? A five year "warranty" is satisfied after an monitor is exchanged due to poor construction? What kind of warranty is this?

Apparently, this is how it works. If you exchange a part for a new one due to whatever reason, they cancel the rest of the "warranty" unless you pay again. As I saw it, they either don't trust their products enough the back them with a standard warranty agreement, or they don't want to deal with you unless you shell out more money. Probably both.

The manager came out to "dumb it down" for us enough to understand. As if it wasn't insulting enough already. The last thing I said to the guy as we left the store (new monitor in hand) was, "This isn't a warranty... it's an exchange guarantee. As far as I'm concerned, you're guilty of false advertising."

All I can say is, if they try to sell you an extended warranty, check closely. Get them to write it out and have the manager sign it. Keep the person's business card, and never allow them to have the originals. Only provide them with copies. I, for one, and all of my friends, will not be shopping at Future Shop anymore.