Saturday 1 May 2010

Update: WTF?

I'm still here..

I've been busy, and haven't really had time to post anything here. Instead, I'll do a bit of a point form.

  • Recently helped my father rebuild his website. He's quite the political cartoonist, and had a website that was fairly busy. Sadly, our server went down and the site was mostly lost. I had a bit of an archive set aside, so was able to get most of the graphics back. 
  • Summer coming on means work around the house and yard. The weather hasn't been great, so my plans have been put on hold. 
  • Work has been busy. I've been working mostly evenings for the past few months until the last week. After the training schedule I'm on now is over, I should be back on a better timetable.
  • Organized a Pirates of the Caribbean night. It went off without a hitch. I'm pretty sure everyone who was there had a great time.
Here's hoping things calm a bit over the next couple weeks. I've been thinking about writing more and more lately. I've always wanted to try my hand at a novel. I do some fan fiction writing occasionally, and really enjoy it. Readers tell me it's not bad, but does need some polishing. I'm going to start working on something my own. I want to have a full story line sketched out. I've found this will help with writers block.

Anyways, it's off to bed to recharge the batteries for another fun filled day tomorrow.

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