Tuesday 25 May 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Ahh.. update time!

Mostly, this will be little things. Nothing big. It's rained a ton since the last time I posted, and my never ending battle with yard work has been put on hold. Global warming my ass. It actually snowed in northern Saskatchewan last week.

Movie Review: Robin Hood

Amazing. This has to be the best Robin Hood movies I've seen. Ever. It didn't have all the fairy tale feel to it like the others. I suppose a lot of that had to do with Ridley Scott directing it, but the actors pulled it off. Action scenes were very believable. I will definitely buy this when it comes out on BluRay. I'll give it four and half out of five stars. The only thing lacking was the promise of a sequel!

Movie Review: Iron Man 2

Spiderman tried to pull it off, and so did Xmen... twice, and failed. Sequels are hit or miss with superhero movies. You either continues with the legacy or awesomeness, or kill the franchise. Iron Man 2 continues to thrill the viewers with Tony Stark's razor sharp wit, and amazing escapades as Iron Man. Many fans were disappointed that there were no crazy revelations, or bigger than life feats. This movie moves the franchise steadily closer towards what all the fans are waiting for: The Avengers. All in all, I would give this one a four out of five. No mistakes with canon, but could have been a bit longer.

My friend, Kurt, has been badgering me about going on another vacation to the Dominican. I'm wavering. He and his girlfriend would be one couple, and I would feel like a third wheel. I'll have to speak to my sister and brother-in-law. Last time we talked, there was the possibility of Mexico for the next trip. Now, all I have to do is find someone to share a room with...

I've been doing some writing on a fan fiction website to practice my writing skills. Over the past few weeks, I've also allowed the thought to peculate through my mind of doing some original fiction writing. I have several ideas floating around in what I like to call my mind. All I really need to do is tease them out, do some time lines, and write chapter synopses. Then comes the easy part... fleshing it out, and adding in the story telling part. Right now the only thing stopping me is the other writing project I have going on. I refuse to abandon it! My last update generated 20,000 hits over a couple days, so I know it's popular. I'm terrible at dropping a project when I lose interest. I need to finish that one.

So, in the mean time, I will be working on the time lines and such, but not doing any actual writing. If I can get my act together this summer, I might be able to finish the one project in time for National Novel Writing Month. Who knows.. Maybe I can get published?

Saturday 1 May 2010

Update: WTF?

I'm still here..

I've been busy, and haven't really had time to post anything here. Instead, I'll do a bit of a point form.

  • Recently helped my father rebuild his website. He's quite the political cartoonist, and had a website that was fairly busy. Sadly, our server went down and the site was mostly lost. I had a bit of an archive set aside, so was able to get most of the graphics back. 
  • Summer coming on means work around the house and yard. The weather hasn't been great, so my plans have been put on hold. 
  • Work has been busy. I've been working mostly evenings for the past few months until the last week. After the training schedule I'm on now is over, I should be back on a better timetable.
  • Organized a Pirates of the Caribbean night. It went off without a hitch. I'm pretty sure everyone who was there had a great time.
Here's hoping things calm a bit over the next couple weeks. I've been thinking about writing more and more lately. I've always wanted to try my hand at a novel. I do some fan fiction writing occasionally, and really enjoy it. Readers tell me it's not bad, but does need some polishing. I'm going to start working on something my own. I want to have a full story line sketched out. I've found this will help with writers block.

Anyways, it's off to bed to recharge the batteries for another fun filled day tomorrow.