Friday 13 November 2009

Set in stone!

Well, the vacation I had planned is set in stone now. We're going to The Dominican Republic, Punta Cana. Our flight leaves at 9:25am on January 26, so I've put a countdown timer on the top of the blog. Last year, we had a led diplay counting down the days, then minutes, and finally seconds as we got closer to the departure date. It was sheer torture, but fun still!

The group of people going will be about a dozen or more, so there will be lots of people to do activities with. I really want to go snorkeling and maybe try some body surfing while down there. They have white sand beaches, something I've always wanted to experience.

Another thing going for the Dominican is the RUM! I love rum, and this will be like a dream come true. Ahhh... rum.

On another note, I've been reading through the comments that some of the posts I have put up have generated. Here's some thoughts:

1) I don't have a lot of good memories of my university times, except the people I met, which were the best part. Yes, I do remember you Vikram!

2) To the two Anonymous commenters: Wow. I was going to moderate the comments at first, but then I thought, what the heck. Keep it up! You two have given me a chuckle in reading your posts.

So.. Everyone enjoy the last Friday the 13th of the year, and keep on commenting!


Big S said...

Hehe, I have been keeping track too, quite funny. Have fun on your vacation. Bring me back a souvenir!!

Anonymous said...

How much does it cost to go to Punta Cunta and how long will you be gone?

Some Guy! said...

About $1000 for all inclusive package, and will be gone for a week.