Thursday 20 August 2009

Holidays? What are those?

I finally booked a week of holidays off for the start of September. I had hoped to go visit several friends and get out of town for a few days, but it seems I have some minor emergencies at home that will have to be done instead.

We finally got the tree in the front cut down. All that is left is the stump sticking up about two feet. As I don't have a chainsaw, I'll have to dig it out and use an axe to cut it out below ground surface. That will easily consume a day of holidays.

The front of the house is now exposed to the street, and the white upper section looks TERRIBLE. It will have to be scraped and painted, along with the window frames. Another two days of holidays.

My upstairs bathroom has a bit of mold growing in the paint. Seems the exhaust fan is not working very well. Need to paint and replace the fan. Another day of holidays.

The fencing in the back yard needs to be worked on some more, both new and existing. Plus I need to do some further landscaping and such before the snow flies. Two days of holidays.

The eaves troughs need some attention, and a new cistern installed. Probably half a day of work.

That's my week. I can only hope the weather holds to cool but not raining while I get the painting done.

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