Thursday 23 July 2009

And.... I'm spent.

The new windows are mostly in. They look great! I'm just waiting for one that was mis-measured to be delivered and installed for the current round of windows installation to be done.

As I said before, I'm saving to have the large window in the front replaced. I'm also saving to go on another vacation. Both will cost about the same. As it is right now, I want the vacation more than the new window!

I have a tree to take down this weekend. It's a forty foot tall Cedar. Currently it is scratching and damaging the new roof all to hell. Not only that, but the sound it makes when scraping on the side of the house is driving the neighbors to distraction. Down it comes, pictures to follow.

Not much else is happening otherwise. Life is still about the same, aside from me going to the gym. My last two jobs have been desk bound. I'm overweight by quite a bit, and need to lose weight now before it starts causing health issues. The hardest part is going every day. Once I'm there, I'm fine. On the treadmill or bike, and then away I go for 40 minutes or so. I've been sleeping better for the past few days (mostly because I'm exhausted). I'm hoping to see some other benefits soon. No pictures for that. Sorry!


Unknown said...

That's fantastic that you are working out Jess, great to hear such things, now if I can start doing that instead of lazing around on my ass all day long

Anonymous said...

Windows are expensive, but not nearly as costly as having unprotected sex with a woman that later tells you that the child is yours! Now I can't afford to go on vacations or even a house to put windows in. I can't even afford brand name hot dogs. Instead, I get to eat those crappy chicken weiners (assuming my wife or kids don't get at them first).