Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Multiplex that broke a City

Preliminary numbers are in about the vote for out City to spend a whopping 34 million dollars on a Hockey rink, curling, soccer field multiplex.

It seems our city council, which has been having secret meetings, has managed to brainwash the people of Moose Jaw into believing we need to build this monstrosity (right in the middle of our downtown) in order for the town to grow.

As far as I'm concerned, the 10-15% increase in my taxes would be better spent on our decaying hospital, or snow removal in the winter, rather than a multiplex that only 5-10 percent of the population will ever use. Not only that, but it will have to be subsidized by ongoing taxing to keep the place running.

Don't get me wrong. I would like to see a facility in place that fulfills the NEEDS of the city, not the wants of a few special interest groups, and not one that costs tens of millions of dollars. One group that will profit from the current multiplex plan is several of the original planning committee members. The land that the downtown facility will be built on is owned by them or business partners of theirs. Surprising how that works out, isn't it?

I'm sickened by the continued brainwashing that is going on. I wish I could wash my hands of it, but I'll be forced to pay for it, along with the other tax payers in the city.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program...

Well. My main system is back up and running finally. What was supposed to the a three day upgrade outage turned into almost three weeks without a main computer.

The laptop did the job, but I couldn't get any real work done on it. No tools, small screen, and slow.

Well, now I have to find a new desk. This one is just not built for a 24" monitor. It's also not built for the office I have it in. Sort of wedged into a corner.

More news as it comes!

Sunday 15 February 2009

System Meltdown

I was wrong. I thought I had the new computer all together and working. Seems the motherboard I got was faulty. It would only boot for a couple minutes, then would die. So after waiting a little over a week for it to come in the first place, I had to box it back up and send it back.

Luckily, my sales rep let me upgrade to a better model of motherboard at the same time. It had been shipped out last week on Tuesday, but UPS (which I think actually stands for Ultimate Parcel Screwups) failed to deliver it by Friday. So... with the long weekend I'll be waiting until at least Tuesday for it be delivered. And THEN I'll probably be at work when they try. In the past they have left parcels sitting on the front step. I live in a pretty good neighborhood, but with the temptation sitting on my front step for several hours....

I can only hope they hold it until Wednesday instead of leaving it, but the way my luck goes it'll walk off on me.

Anyway, I'm using my little laptop to do all my internet work right now. It's slow, and not really up to what I need for the main stuff. But it does the job in a pinch. That being said, I can't wait for my main computer to be back up and running!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Movie Review: Push

Strangely, this movie didn't really have a lot of advertisement to help it along. I happened to see it on my regular visit to the Apple movie preview section. It caught my attention, so we decided to go and see it last night.

Excellent! It wasn't a hack and slash gore fest at all, and stayed carefully away from the poorly thought up and executed SCI-FI Horror that seems to be coming back again. Good story, no nudity, neat conflict. I'm actually going to give it a 4.5 out of 5. The only way this movie could have been better was to have been slightly longer. At 1 hour 50 minutes, it seemed to end a bit suddenly.

Go and see it!